Missing Documents in Epic - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

When a user attempts to close the Scan Acquisition Server client, the following error message is displayed:

  • Document was uploaded to OnBase successfully, but did not attach properly in the Epic system. Please contact your OnBase administrator.

This message is displayed after a user attempts to upload a document that is missing values for Keyword Types that are required for the documents to be properly attached in Epic. For example, if a user selects to upload an encounter-level document that is missing required Keyword Values for the visit, encounter, chart identifier, or assigning authority, the document may be uploaded to OnBase successfully, but it will not be attached in Epic. This issue may also occur if order-level documents are missing the order identifier.

To address this issue, ensure any required Keyword Values are indexed on the document in OnBase to trigger the necessary HL7 messages to be sent to properly link the document in Epic.

If this issue occurs even when the required Keyword Values are indexed on the document, contact your solution provider for further assistance.