Indexing Documents - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

Once you have captured and reviewed documents in the SAS client, you can index them to store the documents and their Keyword Values in OnBase for later retrieval.


Any unindexed documents that were captured during this session are lost when you exit the SAS client.

To index captured documents:

  1. Open the SAS client from Epic (see Opening the Scan Acquisition Server Client).
  2. Capture documents by scanning, sweeping, dragging, or importing from external media into the SAS client (see the previous sections for details). Once the documents are captured, the first page of the first document is displayed in the document viewer, as shown in the following example:

    Document parameters are determined by the selected scan format. For example, if four pages are scanned using a scan format configured to have two pages per document, a total of two documents are scanned.

  3. Review the captured documents to adjust how their pages are displayed and to add or remove documents for indexing (see Reviewing Documents).
  4. If you opened the SAS client from Epic Hyperdrive, and if your solution has been configured for FHIR-based reverse AutoFill Keyword Set lookups (reverse lookups), you can perform a reverse lookup to select from multiple encounters or orders for the same patient.
    To perform a reverse lookup, do the following:
    1. Select the reverse lookup you want to perform from the Level drop-down list.

      Because the SAS client is opened in a single patient record, you cannot perform a reverse lookup at the patient level.

    2. Click Search. The Search Results dialog box is displayed.
    3. Select a record to apply to the captured document and click OK, or double-click the record. An identifier for the selected record is displayed in the SAS client, as shown in the following example:
  5. Select a Document Type from the Document Type drop-down list.
  6. Enter or select the document's date, if applicable. The Document Date field may not be available, depending on your system's setup.

    To access the calendar, click the Document Date drop-down list. An expanded calendar is shown in the following example:

  7. Enter or select a description in the Document Description field, if applicable. Descriptions should comply with Epic standards. When working with descriptions, also note the following:
    • Depending on your system's settings, the Document Description field may not be available.

    • Depending on your system's settings, the most commonly entered descriptions may be available in the Document Description drop-down list. You can use the list to select a previously entered description instead of re-typing it.

    • Any descriptions you enter during the current scan session remain available in the list for the duration of the scan session. Only the most common descriptions are retained across multiple scanning sessions.

  8. To append all pages of the current document to the end of the last document you indexed, click Append. This option is only available if the scan format is set for multiple pages per document and if both the current document and the last document you indexed are image files.
  9. To accept the indexing values and continue to the next document, click Index. This temporarily saves the documents and indexing information.
    Note: If you did not previously select a record for the reverse lookup, the following error message is displayed: The specified Level requires keyword data set values to be selected. Please search for and select keyword data set values to proceed. Ensure you perform a search on the selected reverse lookup level and select a record to apply to the document before proceeding.
  10. To pause the indexing process to capture more documents, click the Stop Indexing button.

    To resume the indexing process after capturing more documents, click Index Documents.


    Always use the Stop Indexing button to pause indexing. If you exit the SAS client instead of pausing indexing, previously indexed documents are archived, but unindexed documents are discarded. The next time you open the SAS client, no documents are retained from the previous session.

  11. When you are done indexing all captured documents, click Exit Scan Server to exit the SAS client and submit the indexed documents to OnBase for storage and retrieval. Any OnBase Keyword Types that either match Epic keywords or are configured for mapping are also stored in OnBase.

    If you click Exit Scan Server before indexing all documents, a warning is displayed. If you continue exiting before indexing all documents, all unindexed documents from this session are discarded.


    If a Failed to archive documents error is displayed, contact your system administrator. Click No to return to the SAS client, where you may need to delete, rescan, and re-index the documents listed. If you click Yes, the listed documents are discarded.

    When exiting the SAS client, also note the following:

    • Depending on your system's setup, OnBase returns the following information to Epic when you finish indexing: OnBase document handle, Document Description value, and built-in Keyword Values based on the Epic module (for example, Patient ID, Encounter, or Order Number).

      Epic uses the document description and document handle to create a hyperlink title reference. This link can be accessed by an authorized Epic user to retrieve the document.

    • When integrating with Epic Hyperdrive, if OnBase FHIR has been configured for a DocumentReference endpoint, OnBase automatically sends a FHIR notification message to Epic for each document uploaded.

    • When integrating with Epic Hyperdrive, an audit message is logged for each notification OnBase sends to Epic. These audit messages can be accessed by right-clicking an open document from the SAS client and selecting History.

    • The SAS client can be configured not to provide Epic with linking information when scanning is completed. This allows the document to undergo additional processing in OnBase before being made available in Epic.