Opening the Scan Acquisition Server Client - Integration for Epic - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 22.1

You must launch the OnBase Scan Acquisition Server client from within Epic before you can begin capturing documents.

To open the Scan Acquisition Server client from Epic, click the Scan button when viewing patient, encounter, or order information.

The OnBase Scan Acquisition Server client is displayed.

As you open the Scan Acquisition Server client from Epic, also note the following:

  • The Epic Environment ID (Net Node ID) is compared to the EpicIntegrations.config file or the registry to obtain remote connection information to the OnBase Application Server.

  • The following items are passed to OnBase for authentication:

    • Epic ID —User ID that is unique to each Epic user and is used to create an associated user name in OnBase.

    • External Authentication username and External Authentication password —These parameters, which are configured within an Epic Environment, are used to verify that the connection to OnBase can be attempted and to identify the connection as coming from Epic.

  • The Epic ID is added to the OnBase user group ALL EPIC USERS if it is not already there.

  • The following items are passed to the Scan Acquisition Server:

    • A list of Document Types previously configured for the Epic module.

    • The type of request (for example, patient or encounter).

    • Internal Epic keyword names with their corresponding value (for example, Patient ID - 12345).