Installing DeficiencyPop for Epic - Integration for Epic - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Essential - Premier - Standard

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 23.1

DeficiencyPop for Epic provides the ability to create and assign document deficiencies to physicians for completion. Physicians can then electronically sign and update the documents by accepting the deficiencies, or they can decline the deficiencies to submit documents for Reanalysis.

DeficiencyPop for Epic requires the installation and configuration of the OnBase DeficiencyPop module. In addition, WebView2 version 86.0.616.0 or higher must be installed.

CAUTION: The Epic Integrations Installer detects if the minimum version of WebView2 is installed on the machine where DeficiencyPop for Epic is being installed. A warning is displayed if WebView2 is not detected but installation is allowed to continue. However, if the minimum version of WebView2 is not installed prior to installing the DeficiencyPop for Epic component, DeficiencyPop for Epic will not function as designed.

For more information on installation and configuration of the OnBase DeficiencyPop module, see the DeficiencyPop documentation.