Functional Overview - Integration for Epic - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Epic

Integration for Epic
Foundation 23.1

When a user clicks a Document Type button after scanning, the Document Information dialog box allows the user to specify the service date, effective date, and received date for the document. Because Epic accepts only one set of dates per upload, the dates entered apply to all documents scanned during the current scan session.

If a user scans additional documents using the same scan session, the user can change the dates in the Document Information dialog box. In this case, the Front Office Scanning client sends Epic only the latest value entered for each date, and Epic stores these values for all documents included in the upload. The Document Information dialog box displays a note to inform the user of the impact of changing dates on subsequent scans.

If an individual date field is disabled for a specific Document Type button, then the disabled date is not available in the Document Information dialog box for that Document Type. However, if the document is uploaded with another document on which the user specified a date value, then the specified date value is sent to Epic for both documents.