The following information should be considered or noted when upgrading Integration for Epic deployments. Read this information prior to upgrading your version of OnBase.
- General Deployment Considerations
The following guidelines are considered best practices for upgrading the Integration for Epic:
Beginning in OnBase EP3, when configuring authentication, the Epic Encryption Key must be a 32-byte Base64-encoded value when using an AES 256 encryption key size. For more information on configuring this setting, see the section on configuring encryption settings for URL integrations in the Integration for Epic module reference guide.
Beginning in OnBase 18, the logic used to create user accounts via Epic authentication differs from previous versions. If you are upgrading from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase 18, contact your first line of support to determine whether any additional steps are needed to update existing user accounts.
All previous integration files should be unregistered (if necessary) and removed.
For OnBase 12 and later, use the MSI for the installed version of OnBase to uninstall the integration components.
For file and registration information in OnBase 11.0 and earlier, check the Integration for Epic or Signature Deficiencies for Epic module reference guide for the version of OnBase being upgraded.
When upgrading both OnBase and Epic, perform the OnBase upgrade before you upgrade your Epic system.
When upgrading to a new build of OnBase, also upgrade all OnBase Application Servers used by the Epic integration. Upgrading to a new build will not require changes to the OnBase database or other aspects of the OnBase environment.
When upgrading OnBase, use the latest build available for the new OnBase version.
- Web Considerations
The following should be considered with regard to OnBase web applications that integrate with Epic, such as DocPop and OnBase Patient Window:
- As of OnBase Foundation 23.1, initialization vectors are now enabled by default for URL integrations. It is no longer required to configure the Epic Encryption Initialization Vector Required Epic External System Setting to enable initialization vectors.
As of OnBase Foundation EP5, the Epic ROI Web Service is compatible with multiple OnBase systems integrating with one Epic system.
When upgrading to the OnBase Web Viewer from the legacy ActiveX-based OnBase Viewer, you must update any Document Corrections E-form templates to use the OBBtn_SaveAndClose button for these forms to function properly in the OnBase Web Viewer. For more information on configuring Document Correction E-form templates, see the topic on form template configuration in the Integration for Epic documentation.
As of OnBase Foundation EP1, Epic encryption settings for OnBase web applications must be configured in OnBase Configuration under Utils | External Systems. The PopChecksumKey, EpicAuthenticationType, DPChecksum, and DPEncryptionType web.config settings are no longer used for Epic authentication.
As of OnBase Foundation EP1, the epicTimestamp parameter must be included in the encrypted query string used to launch an integrated web application. Timestamps are used for validation. If a user's session times out, the user must re-launch the web application from Epic in order to log back in.
As of OnBase 18, the Epic integrations no longer support RC4 encryption. If you are upgrading from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase 18, be sure to update the Epic encryption settings for web applications integrated with Epic. Also make sure Epic is using a supported encryption type.
- Mobile Considerations
The following should be considered with regard to the integrations for Epic Canto or Epic Haiku:
As of OnBase Foundation EP3, the DPEncryptionType and DPCheckSum settings are no longer used. The Mobile Applications Broker Server Web.config file must be updated to use the EpicIntegration setting.
As of OnBase 18, the Epic integrations do not support RC4 as a value for DPEncryptionType. Be sure to update the Web.config file to use a supported encryption type. The Epic applications also must be updated to use the specified encryption type.
If upgrading from OnBase 16 SP1 or earlier, take note of the value for the following key. This key value will be used to populate the MedicalEncounterKeywordID in the web.config file for the new OnBase version. As of OnBase 16 SP2, the MedicalEncounterKeywordID key replaces the DefaultKeywordID key.
<add key="DefaultKeywordID" value="" />
If upgrading from OnBase 16 SP2 or later, take note of the values for the following keys:
<add key="MedicalEncounterKeywordID" value="" />
<add key="MedicalPatientKeywordID" value="" />
- Scan Acquisition Server Considerations
The following should be considered with regard to the integrated Scan Acquisition Server:
To prevent errors and loss of functionality when upgrading the Scan Acquisition Server from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase Foundation EP6, you must ensure all instances of the Application Server are also upgraded to the new version.
If upgrading the Scan Acquisition Server from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase 16, you must update the Scan Acquisition Server ProgID in Epic.
Back up the EpicIntegrations.config file.
- Front Office Scanning Considerations
The following should be considered with regard to the integrated Front Office Scanning client:
To prevent errors and loss of functionality when upgrading the Front Office Scanning integration from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase Foundation EP6, you must ensure all instances of the Application Server are also upgraded to the new version.
As of OnBase 17 SP 2, the Front Office Scanning client can send Epic a service date, effective date, and received date to be used for all documents included in a single upload. By default, users are prompted to enter these dates when indexing documents. The dates can be disabled using the Epic FOS XML configuration file.
As of OnBase 17, the Front Office Scanning client can load a different configuration file when scanning is initiated from registration contexts. To take advantage of this feature, you must create and configure the new file (EPICFOSCONFIG.registration.xml). If you do not want to use this feature, then no configuration changes are necessary.
If upgrading the Front Office Scanning integration from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase 16, you must update the Scan Acquisition Server ProgID in Epic.
Back up the EPICFOSCONFIG.xml, EPICFOSCONFIG.registration.xml (if applicable), and EpicIntegrations.config files.
- Image Retrieval API Considerations
The following should be considered with regard to the Image Retrieval API integration:
Take note of the domain account used to run the Application Server used by this integration. After upgrading, configure the Application Server to run under this account or another account with the same permissions.
- Signature Deficiencies Considerations
The following should be considered with regard to Signature Deficiencies for Epic:
As of OnBase 18, new settings control the sending of HL7 messages to Epic when deficiencies are created or addressed. These settings are named Notify Epic of Pending Deficiencies and Notify Epic of Completed or Rejected Deficiencies. They are available on the HL7 tab in Medical System Settings. Both settings are selected by default when the database is upgraded from a version prior to OnBase 18. Neither setting is selected for new database installations.
As of OnBase 18, Signature Deficiencies for Epic no longer needs to be configured to send HL7 messages to Epic in order for deficiencies to be burned.
As of OnBase 18, if deficiencies are addressed using the mobile Integration for Epic Canto or Epic Haiku, then the Notify Epic of Completed or Rejected Deficiencies setting must be selected, and the associated HL7 message template and destination must be configured.
Back up the SD4E.txt file.
Back up the EpicIntegrations.config file.
Back up the Web.config file of the Application Server used for the Epic integration, ensuring the following key is included:
<add key="SD4EConfigLocation" value="{Location of SD4E.txt}" />
- DeficiencyPop Considerations
- The following should be considered with regard to integrating with
- As of OnBase Foundation EP5, Patch 26, and OnBase Foundation 22.1, Patch 6, the EpicScanSignatureDeficienciesApiUrl key configured in the OnBase Application Server web.config file is no longer respected. The Sig Def API URL Epic External System Setting key must be configured instead when a SMART on FHIR integration is used with Epic Hyperdrive. For more information on configuring this setting, see the section on configuring the Scan Signature API URL in the Integration for Epic module reference guide.
- EpicCare Link Considerations
The following should be considered with regard to the integration for EpicWeb, EpicCare Link, or PlanLink:
As of OnBase 16, the EpicWeb.ini file has been replaced by the OnBaseEpicWeb.config file. If upgrading from a version prior to OnBase 16, take note of the settings in EpicWeb.ini. These will be needed to populate the OnBaseEpicWeb.config file.
If upgrading from OnBase 16 or later, back up the OnBaseEpicWeb.config file.
If upgrading Epic, take note of the following settings in the Epic.ini file:
WebMediaObject(needed only for Epic 2015 and earlier)
MultipleMediaHandlers(needed only for Epic 2015 and earlier)
If upgrading to Epic 2017 or later from Epic 2015 or earlier, remove the following settings from the Epic.ini file:
As of OnBase 18, the Hyland Integration for Epic installer does not create the OnBaseEpicWeb.config file. Instead, the installer can copy a pre-configured OnBaseEpicWeb.config file from a specified location to the installation directory. The DATASOURCE and APPLICATION_SERVER_URL properties are no longer used when the installer MSI is run using the command line.
For more information about updating the Scan Acquisition Server ProgID for integrated scanning, see Updating the Scan Acquisition Server ProgID.