Integration for Esker Fax Configuration - Integration for Esker Fax - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Esker Fax

Integration for Esker Fax
Foundation 23.1

Before using the Integration for Esker Fax, you must configure settings, rules, and users. This is done using the Fax Connector Service Configuration utility.


If you modify your OnBase configuration through the OnBase Configuration module while the Fax Connector Service Configuration utility is running, you must restart the Fax Connector Service Configuration utility before the changes are reflected.

To configure the Integration for Esker Fax, launch the Fax Connector Service Configuration utility from the desktop shortcut, if the shortcut was created during installation, or by running the FaxConnectorConfig.exe executable. In a default installation, the executable is located at C:\Program Files\Hyland\Integration for Fax\Fax Connector Configuration\.


It is considered a best practice to export a copy of the existing configuration prior to modifying it. This allows you to easily roll back the configuration if the changes you make are not acceptable.