Archival Settings - Integration for Esker Fax - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Esker Fax

Integration for Esker Fax
Foundation 23.1

The Archival Settings area of the Rule pane allows you to configure the rule to store faxes in OnBase.

To configure archival settings:

  1. To add all faxes that match the rule criteria to a scan queue, select a scan queue from the Add to Scan Queue drop-down list.
  2. Select Unindexed or Indexed as the initial batch status from the Initial Batch Status drop-down list. If a Indexed is selected, faxes do not enter the indexing queue upon import.
  3. Select Add each document to individual batch to create a new batch for each new fax on the server that matches the rule criteria (i.e., each batch contains only a single fax). If this option is not selected, a single batch is created for all new faxes on the server during that polling interval (i.e., each batch may contain multiple faxes).
  4. To specify which Document Type should be used to archive faxes, select a Document Type from the Fax Archival Document Type drop-down list.

    If you chose to add all faxes that match the rule criteria to a scan queue, the Fax Archival Document Type drop-down list is limited to Document Types available to that scan queue.


    Select the Unindexed Document Type to import the documents to a batch to be indexed at a later time. When the Unindexed Document Type is selected, the Unindexed batch status is also required.

  5. To specify which Document Type should be used to archive the XML data of a fax, select a Document Type from the Fax XML Archival Document Type drop-down list. This feature is useful for auditing purposes.

    In order to cross reference a fax to its fax history, both Document Types must be assigned the Fax Unique ID Keyword Type and this Keyword value must be mapped to populate automatically from the fax handle property (the fax handle is a unique identifier used by the fax server to identify a specific fax).

  6. In the Fax Archival Keyword Mappings area, map any Keywords to be applied to the archived fax. Keyword mapping is used to automatically populate Keyword Values on archived faxes, based on a static value that is the same for all faxes archived or a fax property value.
    1. Click Add Keyword Mapping:
    2. The Add/Edit Keyword Mapping dialog box is displayed:
    3. If you want to map a Keyword Value to be the same for all faxes that meet the conditions of the rule, select Static and type the value in the text field.
    4. If you want to map a Keyword Value to a fax property, select Fax Property and select a fax property from the drop-down list. For detailed information on what data each fax property contains, see the documentation provided for the fax server.

      The OnBase Keyword Types that fax properties are being mapped to must match in data type. However, a date/time fax property can be mapped to a Keyword Type with the Date & Time or Date data type in OnBase and it will be indexed correctly, regardless of the fax property data type. If you are unsure of the fax property data type, map it to a Keyword Type with the Alphanumeric data type in OnBase.

    5. From the Keyword Type Group drop-down list, select the type of OnBase Keyword Type Group to which the value is applied.
    6. From the Keyword drop-down list, select the OnBase Keyword Type to which the value is applied.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Repeat for each Keyword Value that should be automatically populated upon archiving.
    To edit an existing keyword mapping, select the keyword in the list and click Edit Keyword Mapping:
    To delete an existing keyword mapping, select the keyword in the list and click Delete Keyword Mapping:
  7. Click Save Configuration on the Home ribbon to save the changes.

    After clicking Save Configuration, the Fax Connector Service begins processing faxes with the new configuration settings. If the service is already processing, the changes take effect immediately. If the service is paused, the changes take effect when Begin Processing is clicked.