appSettings - Integration for Esri - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Integration for Esri

Integration for Esri
Foundation 22.1

The settings in this section control the behavior of the GIS Sample application.

To modify this section of the GIS Service web.config file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the GIS Service web.config file using a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. Modify the following settings as needed:



    <add key="dmsDataSource" value="DataSource"/>

    Set this option to the name of the data source used by the Web Server.

    <add key="dmsVirtualRoot" value="https://Workstation/GISWebAPI"/>

    Set this option to the virtual directory users enter in the URL to the login page.

    For example, if users enter to access the login page, the dmsVirtualRoot key would look like the following:

    <add key="dmsVirtualRoot" value=""/>


    The host name provided in dmsVirtualRoot must not contain an underscore character ( _ ). If the server's machine name contains an underscore character, use its IP address instead, or change the machine name. For information about valid host names, see the following Microsoft article:

    <add key="IdPUrl" value="" />

    Set this option to the URL of your IdP server. The URL must include the following elements, separated with a semi-colon:

    • The base URL of the Hyland IdP server. For example, if your domain is my.domain, the Hyland IdP application name is identityprovider, and the environment is configured for secure connections, then the value is: https://my.domain/identityprovider

    • The name of the Hyland IdP server tenant to use. This value is case sensitive and must match exactly the tenant name on the Hyland IdP server.

    • The unique ID of the client connection to use on the Hyland IdP server. This value is case sensitive and must match exactly the value on the Hyland IdP server.

    • The plain-text word to use as the client secret. This value is required.


    You must also configure the corresponding client secret for the client connection on the Hyland IdP server. Complete details on configuring a client secret for a client connection on the Hyland IdP server are documented in the Identity and Access Management Services documentation. Version compatibility with OnBase Foundation releases is documented in the Version section of that documentation.

    For example, a completed URL using the examples from the list, with secret as the client secret word, will look similar to this:


    <add key="webtheme" value="XP" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="dmsOEMProductName" value="OnBase" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="ContactInfoHtml" value=""/>

    This setting allows you specify custom text to be added to error messages (such as system administrator contact information). Enter html-encoded text in this field to be added to error messages.

    <add key="maxResults" value="250"/>

    Set this setting to the value you want to use to limit the number of possible search results returned from an OnBase search when attaching document(s) to a map feature.

    For example, if this setting was set to 25 and a user attempted to execute a search that would return 36 documents, that search would not be performed. Instead, the user would be prompted to refine their search criteria so that the search returns fewer than 25 results.


    Increasing this setting can adversely affect performance.

    <add key="EnableCORS" value="false"/>

    Set this option to true to enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), thereby allowing restricted resources to be requested from an outside domain. This setting must be set to true to use the CORS.config file.


    CORS is not supported for use with the Microsoft Edge browser.


    CORS is not supported for use if the cookieSameSite value of the sessionState setting is set to Lax. If you need to use CORS in your environment, the cookieSameSite value must be set to None.

    <add key="ShowServerInfo" value="true" />

    This setting may be used for troubleshooting purposes by your first line of support. Do not alter this setting except at the request of your first line of support.

    <add key="viewerURL" value="https://[WEB SERVER]/AppNet/DocPop/docpop.aspx" />

    Set this setting equal to the URL of your solution's DocPop Viewer, Public Access Viewer, or Unity Pop Viewer.

    Note: This setting is required. A viewerURL must be configured to view documents.

    <add key="workflowURL" value="https://[WEB SERVER]/AppNet/Workflow/WFLogin.aspx" />

    Set this setting equal to your solution's WorkflowPop Viewer URL.

    <add key="folderPOPURL" value="https://[WEB SERVER]/AppNet/FolderPop/FolderPop.aspx" />

    Set this setting equal to your solution's FolderPop Viewer URL.

    <add key="workViewPopUrl" value="https://[WEB SERVER]/AppNet/Workview/objectPop.aspx" />

    Set this setting equal to your solution's WorkView | Case Manager Viewer URL.

    <add key="showHitListDocDate" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Document Date field when a document search results list is displayed.

    Set this option to false to hide the Document Date field.

    <add key="showHitListDocType" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Document Type field when a document search results list is displayed.

    Set this option to false to hide the Document Type field.

    <add key="showHitListNarrowResults" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to enable the Narrow Results button in the sample application, thereby allowing users to filter the document search results list in the web mapping application.

    When this option is set to false, users cannot filter the document search results list in the web mapping application using the Narrow Results button.

    <add key="showHitListWorkflow" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Workflow button in the web mapping application, thereby allowing users to access view documents in their current Workflow queues.

    Set this option to false to hide the Workflow button in the web mapping application.

    <add key="getHitListKeywords" value="true" />

    This option is used in customized solutions. Set this option to true to allow an outside application to consume OnBase keyword data through a Web API call and send data back using JSON or XML.

    <add key="getHitListFolders" value="true" />

    This option is used in customized solutions. Set this option to true to allow an outside application to consume OnBase folder data through a Web API call and send data back using JSON or XML.

    <add key="showImport" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Import button in the web mapping application, thereby allowing users to import documents into OnBase from the web mapping application.

    Set this option to false to hide the Import button in the web mapping application.


    In order to use this setting, a pooled user account must not be configured (i.e, no user account can be configured in the Hyland.Integrations.GIS.PooledUser section of this web.config file).

    <add key="showFilter" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Set Filters button in the OnBase widget, thereby allowing users to filter document search results by Configured Layers, Document Type(s), Keyword Type(s), and Date(s).

    Set this option to false to hide the Set Filters button in the OnBase widget.

    <add key="showSendTo" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Send To button in the web mapping application, thereby allowing users to send documents to another location from the OnBase Search Results dialog box.

    Set this option to false to hide the Send To button in the web mapping application.


    In order to use this setting, a pooled user account must not be configured (i.e, no user account can be configured in the Hyland.Integrations.GIS.PooledUser section of this web.config file).

    <add key="showAttach" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Attach button in the web mapping application, thereby allowing users to statically link OnBase documents to a map feature.

    Set this option to false to hide the Attach button in the web mapping application.


    In order to use this setting, a pooled user account must not be configured (i.e, no user account can be configured in the Hyland.Integrations.GIS.PooledUser section of this web.config file).

    <add key="showStaticLink" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Detach documents from the map features button in the web mapping application, thereby allowing users to remove existing static links from OnBase documents to a map feature.

    Set this option to false to hide the Detach documents from the map button in the web mapping application.


    In order to use this setting, a pooled user account must not be configured (i.e, no user account can be configured in the Hyland.Integrations.GIS.PooledUser section of this web.config file).

    <add key="showWebLink" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the button in the web mapping application that posts feature data to a custom web page and can be used to open an E-form or Unity Form.

    Set this option to false to hide this button in the web mapping application.

    <add key="showRefresh" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to display the Refresh button in the document hit list toolbar, thereby allowing users to refresh an OnBase document search results list.

    Set this option to false to hide the Refresh button in the web mapping application.


    This setting should be set to false if a Refresh button already exists elsewhere, such as when using the Esri Web AppBuilder widget.

    <add key="showFolders" value="true" />

    This option is not supported for use with the Integration for Esri.

    <add key="IsIncludeJquery" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to use the JQuery inclusion provided with the Integration for Esri.

    Set this option to false if you have developed your own JQuery inclusion for use with your web mapping application.

    <add key="IsIncludeJqueryUI" value="true" />

    Set this option to true to use the JQueryUI inclusion provided with the Integration for Esri.

    Set this option to false if you have developed your own JQueryUI inclusion for use with your web mapping application.

    <add key="logoutRedirectURL" value="" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="default_username" value="MyUserName" />

    This optional setting can be used to set the username of the account used to log in to OnBase when viewing documents.

    <add key="default_password" value="MyPassword" />

    This optional setting can be used to set the password of the account used to log in to OnBase when viewing documents.

    <add key="default_domainname" value="" />

    If your solution uses ADFS (Active Directory Federated Services) or LDAP authentication, set this setting to the default domain to be used for authentication. The domain you enter in this setting will be used by default when users attempt to log in.

    <add key="default_institution" value="0" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="EnableAutoLogin" value="false" />

    Set this option to true to enable NT or LDAP Authentication for your OnBase GIS Service.

    <add key="forceSSOAutoLoginOverDomain" value="false" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="CustomSSOAuthenticationFailurePage" value="" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="AllowInsecureConnection" value="false" />

    If your solution does not use HTTPS binding, this setting must be set to true. If your solution uses HTTPS binding, this setting should be set to false.

    <add key="IncludeSessionManger" value="true" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="LogoutClose" value="true" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="EnableSessionExpiration" value="true" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="PromptOnSessionExpire" value="true" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="loginPage" value="default.aspx" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="defaultTargetPage" value="map.aspx" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="securityKey" value=""/>

    This setting controls the security key used to improve the security of your solution. You can set this setting to any hash value you want.

    Once this setting is set, you must ensure that you use the same setting when configuring the SecurityKey setting for your OnBase Add-In.

    <add key="EnableTokenCheck" value="false" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="TokenType" value="ESRI" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="TokenHeaderName" value="token" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

    <add key="TokenValidationUrl" value="" />

    This setting is reserved for internal use only. Do not modify this setting unless instructed to do so by your first line of support.

  3. Save and close the web.config file.