The <appsettings> section of the GIS Service web.config file includes several widget-specific settings found within the <! --START [WIDGET]--> section.
To modify widget settings, follow these steps:
- Open the GIS Service web.config file using a text editor such as Notepad.
Modify the following settings as needed:
<add key="widget_JQueryWidgetToggleButtonId" value="#ob_tool" />
This property contains the jQuery selector value that is used to identify the HTML element that, when clicked, displays the OnBase widget. This property can be set to any jQuery selector that identifies a clickable element whose purpose is to display the widget.
This property is set to ob_tool by default.
<add key="widget_JQueryWidgetDivId" value="#OnBaseCustomWidget" />
This property contains a jQuery selector value used to identify the HTML container element in which the document search results list will be placed. This property can be set to any jQuery selector used to identify a single container element.
This property is set to #OnBaseCustomWidget by default.
<add key="widget_ShowTopToolbar" value="true" />
This property controls whether or not the Features section of the document retrieval interface in the widget is displayed.
When this option is set to true, the Features section is available. When this option is set to false, the Features section is unavailable.
By default, this option is set to true.
<add key="widget_ShowFeatureSelectionTools" value="true" />
This property controls whether or not the selection tools (Select Features, Remove from Selection, and Clear Selected Features) are displayed within the Features section of the document retrieval interface in the widget.
When this option is set to true, the selection tools are available.
Note:The Remove from Selection tool is not displayed if the widget_ShowDeselectTool option is set to false.
When this option is set to false, the selection tools are unavailable.
By default, this option is set to true.
<add key="widget_ShowDeselectTool" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not the Remove from Selection tool is displayed in the Features section of the document retrieval interface in the widget.
When this property is set to true, the deselection tool is available. When this property is set to false, the deselection tool is unavailable.
By default, this property is set to false.
<add key="widget_ShowRefreshTool" value="true" />
This property controls whether or not the Refresh tool is displayed within the Features section of the document retrieval interface in the widget.
When this property is set to true, the Refresh tool is available. When this property is set to false, the Refresh tool is unavailable.
By default, this property is set to true.
Note:To display the refresh tool in the bottom section of the widget, you must enable the showRefresh option in the GIS Service web.config file.
<add key="widget_ShowGeometryOptions" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not the geometry switcher tool is available for the Select Features and Remove from Selection options within the Features section of the document retrieval interface in the widget.
When this property is set to true, the geometry switcher tool is available for the Select Features and Remove from Selection options. When this option is set to false, the geometry switcher tool is unavailable for the Select Features and Remove from Selection options.
By default, this property is set to false.
<add key="widget_DisableInfoWindowInDrawMode" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not your ESRI Web Mapping application opens the information window (feature attribute display) when a user left-clicks on a feature in a layer while the widget's own selection tool is active.
Setting this property to true prevents the information window from being displayed while the widget selection tool is active. This may be helpful when certain types of geometry are used for drawing.
When this property is set to false, the ESRI map attribute window is enabled and will be displayed when a feature is selected.
By default, this property is set to false.
<add key="widget_ShowClose" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not a Close Window button for the widget is displayed.
This property is set to false by default.
<add key="widget_ShowTitle" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not to display the title bar, which is displayed above the document search results list.
This property is set to false by default.
<add key="widget_CssZProp" value="999" />
This adjustable CSS property allows you to ensure the widget is not buried underneath other HTML elements. Values are numeric and are direct input to CSS.
This property is set to 999 by default.
<add key="widget_UseJQueryUiDialog" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not you wish to use the jQuery UI style floating dialog window for the widget. This dialog is resizable and draggable.
This property is set to false by default.
<add key="widget_DialogWidth" value="550" />
This property controls the initial width of the dialog window in pixels.
This property is set to 550 by default.
<add key="widget_DialogHeight" value="350" />
This property controls the initial height of the dialog window in pixels.
This property is set to 350 by default.
<add key="widget_SelectionType" value="" />
This property controls the default drawing geometry type. Valid values are:
If no value is set, the widget uses the RECTANGLE type.
This property is set to no value by default.
<add key="widget_QueryArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayers" value="true" />
When this property is set to true, administrators will be able to configure and use map services in their mapping application (i.e., ESRI REST URLs ending in "/MapService"). Each layer within that service will be recognized and understood by the integrated OnBase map widget. This is the default setting.
When this property is set to false, administrators will not be able to configure and use map services in their mapping application. Only feature layers can be configured and used by the widget (i.e., ESRI REST URLs that end in "/MapService/{id}").
<add key="widget_AddDynamicSelectionToMap" value="true" />
When this property is set to true and a user queries or selects a map service layer in the widget, a graphic layer is added to the map to highlight the features that are currently selected or were most recently queried. This is the default setting.
When this property is set to false, graphic layers are not added to the map when a user queries or selects a map service layer on the map.
<add key="widget_UseHighlightingOverride" value="true" />
This property controls whether or not the OnBase widget controls the feature highlighting color. When this property is set to false, the entered color arrays for feature selection have no effect and are ignored.
This property is set to true by default.
<add key="widget_ToolFillColor" value="[ 246, 239, 229, 0.45 ]" />
This property contains an array with the format RGBA that specifies the color of the selection tool's polygon fill.
This property is set to [ 246, 239, 229, 0.45 ] by default.
<add key="widget_ToolOutlineColor" value="[ 255, 121, 0 ]" />
This property contains an RGBA array specifying the outline color of the selection tool.
This property is set to [ 255, 121, 0 ] by default.
<add key="widget_SelectionFillColor" value="[ 0, 203, 238, 0.35 ]" />
This property contains the RGBA fill color array used for selected features.
This property is set to [ 0, 203, 238, 0.35 ] by default.
<add key="widget_SelectionOutlineColor" value="[ 0, 0, 255 ]" />
This property contains the RGBA outline color array used for selected features.
This property is set to [ 0, 0, 255 ] by default.
<add key="widget_ConsoleLogging" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not to log messages to the browser console. This should be left false unless there is an issue that requires debugging. A value of true turns on browser console logging.
Note:Enabling this property can negatively affect the performance of your solution.
This property is set to false by default.
<add key="widget_LoginOnLoad" value="false" />
This property controls whether or not to display the logon screen immediately when the widget (and application) load.
This property is set to false by default.
<add key="widget_IdentifyQueryTolerance" value="3" />
This property defines the fuzzy tolerance within which features are queried or identified based on the drawn geometry. This value is only relevant in very rare circumstances, when the widget needs to be instantiated and operated in Identify or Query modes programmatically. If you need to adjust the point and line tolerance for the default Selection mode, see the widget_PointAndLineTolerance property instead.
This property is set to 3 by default.
<add key="widget_PointAndLineTolerance" value="3" />
This property controls the numeric fuzzy tolerance value (i.e., the amount of pixels outside of the line or point that the selection tool picks up) included in the selection. For example, when this option is set to 3, the software will return all parcels that fall within the user's selection, as well as all parcels that fall within the area 3 pixels outside of the user's selection.
By default, this property is set to 3.
<add key="widget_IncludeDeviceCoordinates" value="true" />
This property controls whether or not the latitude and longitude coordinates of the user's device are included when a user clicks the Web Link option to access a configured web page or E-form.
Note:Sending of geolocation data is also dependent upon browser support and user permission.
When this property is set to true, the latitude and longitude coordinates of the user's device are included when a user clicks the Web Link option. When this property is set to false, the latitude and longitude coordinates of the user's device are not included when a user clicks the Web Link option.
By default, this property is set to true.
<add key="widget_IncludeFeatureCoordinates" value="true" />
This property controls whether or not the latitude and longitude coordinates of the selected feature are included when a user clicks the Web Link option to access a configured web page or E-form.
When this property is set to true, the latitude and longitude coordinates of the selected feature are included when a user clicks the Web Link option. When this property is set to false, the latitude and longitude coordinates of the selected feature are not included when a user clicks the Web Link option.
By default, this property is set to true.
- Save and close the web.config file.