Installation Checklist - Integration for Esri - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Integration for Esri

Integration for Esri
Foundation 22.1

Use the following installation checklist to ensure you install everything correctly for Feature Layers for Esri REST API:

  1. Verify all pre-installation requirements have been met. See Pre-Installation.
  2. Install the GIS Service. See Installing the OnBase GIS Service.
  3. Modify the GIS Service web.config file. See Modifying the web.config File.
    In particular, you must configure:
  4. Construct your third-party application using Feature Layers for Esri REST API. See Using Feature Layers for Esri REST API When Constructing a Third-Party Application.
  5. Install, configure, and use the GIS Configuration Utility to map your OnBase content to geographic map services. See GIS Configuration Utility Overview.