Using the Map Setup Wizard - Integration for Esri - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Integration for Esri

Integration for Esri
Foundation 22.1

The Map Setup Wizard can be used to configure geocoding functionality. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Map Setup option from the ribbon. The Map Setup page is displayed.
  2. Click Next. The Map User Interface page is displayed.
  3. Configure the following options as needed:

    Menu Options


    Select Tool

    Select this option to enable the Select button in the mapping interface. Users can use this button to select items on the map by clicking and dragging to create a selection box.


    This option is not supported in the Web Client mapping interface.


    Select this option to enable the Identify button in the mapping interface. Users can use this button to identify GIS features and OnBase items on the map by clicking on them.

    Save Map Snapshot

    Select this option to enable the Save Map Snapshot button in the mapping interface. Users can use this button to save the current map as an image document within OnBase.


    This option is not supported in the Web Client mapping interface.

    Save Map State

    Select this option to enable the Save Map State button in the mapping interface. Users can use this button to save the current map state to OnBase as an xml document using the Geolocation Map State file format.


    This option is not supported in the Web Client mapping interface.

    Map Content


    Base Map

    Select this option to enable the Base Map tab in the Add Content dialog box of the mapping interface. Users can use this tab to select base map content to be added to the map.


    Select this option to enable the Online Content tab in the Add Content dialog box of the mapping interface. Users can use this tab to add online feature layers to the map.

    Custom Layers

    Select this option to enable the Configured Content tab in the Add Content dialog box of the mapping interface. Users can use this tab to add configured feature layers to the map.

    Document Type

    Select this option to enable the Document Type tab in the Add Content dialog box of the mapping interface. Users can use this tab to add geocoded documents to the map from an existing geolocation-enabled OnBase Document Type.

    Map Settings


    Show Document Hover Tooltip

    Select this option to allow users to see tooltips containing the auto-name strings of any associated documents when hovering over a map location.

    Show Layer Info

    Select this option to display a list of the layers displayed when a user views a map.


    Select this option to enable zoom options.

    Zoom Delay (milliseconds)- specify a delay (in milliseconds) to zoom out on the map. Higher delays can increase performance when retrieving a large number of documents.

    Zoom Out Factor- specify the factor by which the map is zoomed to. The higher the number this option is set to, the more the map will be zoomed out.

    Initial Extent

    Select this option to configure the initially displayed map location. Enter the upper left and bottom right coordinates in the displayed fields.

    MinX- specify the coordinate value of the leftmost edge of the map

    MinY- specify the coordinate value of the bottom edge of the map

    MaxX- specify the coordinate value of the rightmost edge of the map

    MaxY- specify the coordinate value of the top edge of the map

    If this option is not set manually, the map will zoom to an extent just slightly larger than the area occupied by all displayed map points.

    Window Sizing

    Select this option to enable window sizing options.

    Window Sizes- specify the desired size of the window used to display the map by default.

    Search Extent

    Select a value from this drop-down list to configure the search extent for geocoding coordinates. As this value is increased, the search radius for geocoded documents will be expanded.

    For example: a document's coordinates are configured as (41.045, -87.045). If you set the Search Extent value to 0.02, documents will be returned that fall within the range of -87.065, 41.025 to -87.025, 41.065.

  4. Click Next. The Map User Interface page is displayed.
  5. Configure the following options as needed:

    Map User Interface Options


    Layer Services (optional)

    This field allows you to specify layer services to be used with your Integration for Esri solution. See Adding Layers for information on adding layers.

  6. Click Next. The Portal Settings page is displayed.
  7. Configure the following options as needed:

    Portal Settings Options


    Cache License

    This setting is used to control whether or not users are forced to log in to their ArcGIS Online account each time they log in to OnBase.

    When this option is deselected, user's login information is not cached. Users will always be prompted to manually log in to ArcGIS Online after logging in to OnBase.

    When this option is selected, a user's ArcGIS Online account information will be cached after logging in to OnBase.


    This option is only supported when the Advanced Mode setting is selected.

    Client Id (optional)

    Enter the user ID for the credentials required to connect to the service (if the service is a protected service). If this field is left blank, users will be prompted to enter their own credentials to connect to the service.

    License Code (optional)

    Enter the license code for the credentials required to connect to the service (if the service is a protected service). If this field is left blank, users will be prompted to enter their own credentials to connect to the service.

    Portal URL (optional)

    Enter the URL of a custom portal in order to configure your solution to search for content within that portal instead of searching all of ArcGIS Online.

    Portal Token URL (optional)

    If the URL you entered into the Portal URL field requires a token, enter the URL used to generate that token into the Portal Token URL field.

  8. Click Next. The Complete page is displayed.
  9. Click Finish.