Adding Content - Integration for Esri - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Integration for Esri

Integration for Esri
Foundation 22.1

The Add Content option allows you to add content to the currently displayed map. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add Content button. The Add Content dialog is displayed.
    You can add online content to the map, feature layers that have already been configured using the ArcGIS Configuration Utility, a base map, or geocoded documents from an existing geolocation-enabled OnBase Document Type.
  2. To add online content to the map, follow these steps:
    1. Select the Online Content tab.
    2. Enter a search term in the available search field.
    3. Click Search. The results list will be populated with ArcGIS Online feature layers that match your search criteria.
    4. Select a feature layer from the results list.

      You may be required to log in to ArcGIS Online in order to access certain feature layers.

  3. To add configured content to the map, follow these steps:
    1. Select the Configured Content tab.

      This tab is only available if configured feature layers are available to be added.

    2. Select a configured feature layer to add. Only feature layers that have already been configured using the ArcGIS Configuration Utility are available for selection.
  4. To add base map content to the map, follow these steps:
    1. Select the Base Map tab.
    2. Select a base map to use.
  5. To add geocoded documents to the map from an existing geolocation-enabled OnBase Document Type, follow these steps:
    1. Select the Document Type tab.
    2. Select a Document Type to use.
  6. Click OK. All selected content is added to the map.