Mapping Jack Henry Retrieval Filter Types - Integration for Jack Henry jXchange - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Jack Henry jXchange

Integration for Jack Henry jXchange
Foundation 22.1

Jack Henry retrieval Filter Types must be configured using the preexisting Filter Types or by creating a custom Filter Type.

To map retrieval Filter Types and Index Names to Document Types and Keyword Types for retrieving documents:

  1. From the Configuration Module, select Import | Jack Henry | Jack Henry Retrieval Mapping. The Jack Henry Retrieval Mapping dialog box is displayed with preexisting retrieval Filter Types.
  2. If needed, enter a new retrieval Filter Type by doing the following:
    1. Type the name of the new filter in the empty field below the Filter Type list.
    2. Click Add. The new retrieval Filter Type is added to the Filter Type list.
  3. Select a retrieval Filter Type from the Filter Type list.
    For a complete list of supported retrieval Filter Types, see Supported Jack Henry Filter Types for Retrieval.
  4. Click Document Types. The Document Type Mapping dialog box is displayed:
  5. Select a Document Type from the Available list.

    To select multiple Document Types, hold down Ctrl and select each Document Type.


    To filter the Document Types displayed in the Available list, select a Document Type Group from the Document Type Group drop-down list.

  6. Click Add >>. The selected Document Types are added to the Selected list and are now mapped to the retrieval Filter Type previously selected.
    To remove Document Types from the Selected list, select them, and click << Remove.
  7. Click Close to close the Document Type Mapping dialog box and return to the Jack Henry Retrieval Mapping dialog box.
  8. Select the mapped retrieval Filter Type, and click Keyword Types. The Keyword Type Mapping dialog box is displayed:

    The only Jack Henry Index Names displayed in the left column are those associated with the retrieval Filter Type previously selected.

  9. For each Jack Henry Index Name, select a Keyword Type from the corresponding drop-down list.

    The Keyword Types available in the drop-down lists are dependent upon the Document Type selected for the retrieval Filter Type you are configuring. For a complete list of supported Index Names, see Supported Jack Henry Index Names.


    If more than one Document Type is selected for the retrieval Filter Type, only Keyword Types common between the selected Document Types are available.

  10. Click Save to save changes, or click Close to close the Keyword Type Mapping dialog box without saving changes.
  11. Select additional retrieval Filter Types to map, or click Close to close the Jack Henry Retrieval Mapping dialog box.