Installation - Integration for Jack Henry jXchange - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Integration for Jack Henry jXchange

Integration for Jack Henry jXchange
Foundation 23.1

To install the Integration for Jack Henry jXchange:

  1. Obtain the latest Integration for Jack Henry jXchange build from your solution provider.
  2. Using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, create a new Application Pool named JackHenryServer.
  3. Add the Integration for Jack Henry jXchange build to a website using the JackHenryServer Application Pool.

    Use Port 443 to add an HTTPS binding for the website.

  4. In the Integration for Jack Henry jXchange web.config file, locate the following node and replace http://[ServerName]/ with your server's website address:
    1. <service name="JackHenryServices.CustomerService">



      <add baseAddress="http://[ServerName]/"/>

  5. Locate the <service name="JackHenryServices.ImageService"> node, and make the following edits:
    1. Locate the following node and replace http://[ServerName]/ with your server's website address:
      <add baseAddress="http://[ServerName]/"/>
    2. Locate the following node and replace [ServerName] with your server's website address:
      <dns value="[ServerName]"/>
  6. Locate the <JackHenry.ConnectionInformation> node, and make the following edits:
    1. Locate the following node, and replace [Database UserName] with your OnBase database user name:
      <OBUserName value="[Database UserName]"/>
    2. Locate the following node, and replace [Database Password] with your OnBase database password:
      <OBPassword value="[Database Password]"/>
    3. Locate the following node, and replace [JackHenry UserName] with your Jack Henry user name:
      <JHUserName value="[JackHenry UserName]" />
    4. Locate the following node, and replace [JackHenry Password] with your Jack Henry password:
      <JHPassword value="[JackHenry Password]" />
  7. Locate the <appSettings> node, and make the following edits:
    1. Locate the following node, and replace DatabaseConnectionString with your OnBase database connection string name:
      <add key="ConnectionStringName" value="DatabaseConnectionString"/>
  8. Locate the following node, and make the following edits:


    <add name="DatabaseConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=[Server\Instance];database=[Database];User Id=[UserID];Password=[Password]" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>


    1. Replace DatabaseConnectionString with your OnBase database connection string name.
    2. Replace [Server\Instance] with the value of your OnBase database data source.
    3. Replace [Database] with the name of your OnBase database.
    4. Replace [UserID] with the value of your OnBase database user name.
    5. Replace [Password] with the value of your OnBase database password.
    6. Replace System.Data.SqlClient with your OnBase database provider name.

      Connection string information for the Integration for Jack Henry jXchange can be encrypted using the Web Management Console. For more information, see the Web Management Console module reference guide.

  9. Locate the <client> node, and make the following edits:
    1. Locate the following node, and replace https://[ServerName]/JackHenryServer with your JackHenryServer Application Pool's path:
      <endpoint address="https://[ServerName]/JackHenryServer/CustomerService.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="TPG_Customer.CustomerService" name="CustomerService"/>
    2. Locate the following node, and replace https://[ServerName]/JackHenryServer with your JackHenryServer Application Pool's path:
      <endpoint address="https://[ServerName]/JackHenryServer/ImageService.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="TPG_Image.ImageService" name="ImageService"/>
  10. Save and close the Integration for Jack Henry jXchange web.config file.
  11. In IIS Manager, ensure that the Jack Henry website has both HTTP and HTTPS bindings by doing the following:
    1. Right-click on the Jack Henry website and select Edit Bindings. The Site Bindings dialog box is displayed.
    2. If you are missing either an HTTP or an HTTPS binding, click Add. The Add Site Binding dialog box is displayed.
    3. Select the type of binding you are missing, and configure the remaining settings for the binding.
    4. Click OK.
  12. Reset IIS in order for the changes to the Integration for Jack Henry jXchange web.config file to take effect.

    Depending on your default IIS settings, additional configuration may be required. For more information, contact your service provider.