Auditing in ICIS - Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Agfa) - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Agfa)

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Agfa)
Foundation 22.1

When a user views a DICOM study document using the OnBase Patient Window, the integration sends ICIS the current OnBase user's display name. ICIS uses the display name to log the user who viewed a study.

If the Display real name instead of user name global client setting is selected in OnBase Configuration, then the integration sends ICIS the user's configured Real Name. If the global client setting is not selected, or if the user does not have a Real Name configured, the integration sends ICIS the user's OnBase user name.

The OnBase user account is not used for authenticating with ICIS. To configure ICIS authentication information, see Configuring DICOM Repository Settings.