DICOM Parameter Descriptions - Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Agfa) - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Agfa)

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Agfa)
Foundation 23.1

The following ICIS View integration parameters must be configured.




The ICIS server the integration will use when constructing URLs for viewing studies using ICIS View. Do not include the protocol to use (http, https).

Example values: www.server.com, server.com

To use a specific port number, append it to the server address as shown in the following example: server.com:8080


The user name the integration will use to authenticate with ICIS when viewing studies. This value is case-sensitive.

This user name is not a user account in OnBase; it is a user in ICIS.


The password the integration will use to authenticate with ICIS when viewing studies. This value is case-sensitive.

This is not the password for a user account in OnBase; it is the password for the ICIS user specified in the User parameter.


The ICIS display theme the integration will use when displaying a study. The default value is eprDisplay.

Enable HTTPS

Controls the protocol the integration will use when performing web requests to the ICIS server. Valid values are 1(for https) and 0(for http). The default and recommended value is 1.

When this value is 0, the integration's connections to the ICIS server are insecure. Ensure you understand the risks associated with insecure connections before disabling this setting.


If the OnBase Patient Window is configured to use HTTPS, but ICIS View is not, then Firefox will block ICIS View from loading. Internet Explorer will allow ICIS View to load in a mixed environment only if the browser's Display mixed content security setting is enabled.

Enable Federated Search

Controls whether Patient Window users can retrieve external studies from ICIS. External studies are studies that do not have placeholder documents residing in OnBase. Valid values are 0(disabled) and 1(enabled). The default value is 0.

When this setting is 1, then the Find More Studies button is available in the Patient Window. When users click this button, the Patient Window retrieves external studies from ICIS using all MRNs associated with the current patient's MPI. When this setting is 0, users will not be able to retrieve external studies from ICIS using the Patient Window.

You do not need to enable this setting to use the federated search option in the HL7 DICOM Processor.