Creating Documents for Externally Stored DICOM Studies - Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Merge) - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Merge)

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Merge)
Foundation 23.1

Use the HL7 DICOM Processor to create placeholder documents in OnBase for studies stored in an external DICOM repository.

The DICOM Processor creates placeholder documents representing studies stored in an external DICOM repository. Placeholder documents allow OnBase applications, such as the OnBase Patient Window, to display studies stored in external repositories. When a placeholder document is retrieved using the OnBase Patient Window, the associated study is retrieved from the external repository and displayed using the medical imaging viewer. The DICOM Processor requires an HL7 Listener license. It is not available under the Basic HL7 Listener license.

The DICOM Processor is configured in OnBase Configuration under Medical | HL7 | Import Process. For detailed information about configuring an HL7 import process, see the HL7 Module module reference guide or the HL7 Listener / HL7 Sender help files.