Installing the Authentication Plug-in for iConnect Access - Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Merge) - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Merge)

Integration for Medical Imaging Viewer (Merge)
Foundation 23.1

If you are integrating multiple iConnect Access servers with OnBase, then you must perform this procedure on each server. The authProvider values must be the same for each server.

For users to be properly authenticated through iConnect Access, you must install the Integration for Merge ICA Authentication plug-in. To obtain this plug-in, contact your OnBase solution provider.

If you have access to the internal Core build, the plug-in files are located in the ..\Apps\Integration for Merge ICA Authentication folder.

  1. Copy the following files to the IntegratorAuthenticationSTS Bin folder on the iConnect Access server (usually C:\WebAccess\IntegratorAuthenticationSTS\Bin).
    • Hyland.Types.dll

    • OnBaseMergeAuthentication.dll

  2. Open the Web.config file for IntegratorAuthenticationSTS (typically located in C:\WebAccess\IntegratorAuthenticationSTS).
  3. Locate the section containing authProvider nodes.
  4. On a new line, add the following authProvider information:
    <authProvider id="IDVALUE" class="Hyland.Integrations.Merge.AuthenticationProvider.Authenticator" assembly="OnBaseMergeAuthentication"> 
    <applicationServer url="URLVALUE"/> 
    <dataSource name="DATASOURCEVALUE"/> 
  5. Update the following values in the new authProvider node:




    Enter the value provided for the Merge Authprovider parameter in OnBase Configuration. To check or configure this parameter, select Medical | DICOM | Viewer Integration Settings | Merge Access Integration | Settings.


    Enter the URL to the Service.asmx page on the OnBase Application Server. For example: https://observer/AppServer/Service.asmx


    Enter the data source name on the OnBase Application Server.

  6. Restart IIS and Merge services using the Merge iConnect Access Service Tool.
  7. Test the plug-in by retrieving DICOM studies using the OnBase Patient Window.