Integration for Netsmart Homecare Configuration - Integration for Netsmart Homecare - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Netsmart Homecare

Integration for Netsmart Homecare
Foundation 24.1

The Integration for Netsmart Homecare is configured by starting the Integration for Netsmart Homecare with the -config command line switch applied.


If you have a Unity Client Server license, you can also configure the Integration for Netsmart Homecare from the Unity Client. If you are configuring the Integration for Netsmart Homecare from the Unity Client, select the Briefcase tab, click the Configuration button, and proceed to step 3 below.

After starting the Integration for Netsmart Homecare, the login dialog box is displayed.

  1. Enter the required information:



    Select the data source to connect to from the drop-down list.


    This field is only displayed when multiple data sources are available.

    Type your OnBase user name.

    Type your OnBase password.

  2. Click Login to log on, or click Cancel to close the OnBase Integration for Netsmart Homecare without logging on.
  3. In the Configuration ribbon group, click Configuration.
  4. The Field Application Configuration layout is displayed.
  5. In the Field Applications pane, select the Field Application to configure settings.
  6. If you want to narrow the list of Field Applications displayed for selection, in the Find field, enter text that is contained in the name of the Field Application you want to configure.
  7. When you change a setting, click Save to save configuration changes.

    Configuration changes are effective immediately. Users working offline receive configuration changes during their next synchronization.

    The Settings tab contains General, Miscellaneous, and Keyset settings.

  8. On the Settings tab, In the General settings box, type a name for the Field Application in the Name field.

    This name is limited to 100 characters.

  9. From the Icon drop-down select box, select an icon for the Field Application.
  10. In the Miscellaneous settings box, adjust settings for image sync quality and size.

    These settings include:

    • Down-Sync Image Quality- This setting controls the quality of images used when syncing. A value between 1 and 100 is allowed. When set to 1, the lowest image quality (highest compression) will be used. When set to 100, the maximum image quality (lowest compression) will be used.


      The Down-Sync Image Quality setting only affects the copy of the image that is stored in the workstation database. It does not affect the copy of the image that is stored in OnBase.

    • Up-Sync Maximum Recommended Image Size- If an image is greater than this size (in bytes), users will be prompted to resize the image before upload by the Resizing Images window.


      Images greater than the Up-Sync Maximum Recommended Image Size size can still be uploaded.

    • Allow Sync Uncommitted Documents- When selected, the Integration for Netsmart Homecare synchronizes uncommitted documents (for example, documents that have been scanned in to OnBase, but have yet to be committed).

  11. In the Keyset settings box, select an AutoFill Keyword Set from the from the Associated Keyset drop-down select box to associate it with the application.

    External AutoFill Keyword Sets are not supported for use with Field Applications, and are not available from the Associated Keyset drop-down list.

  12. From the Keyset Display Value drop-down list, select a value from the AutoFill Keyword Set to be displayed in the application in the following format: Documents for [Keyset Display Value].
  13. From the Keyset Query Value drop-down list, select a value from the AutoFill Keyword Set to be used in the query. This value does not need to be the primary Keyword Type in the AutoFill Keyword Set, but should be unique.

    The Keyset Query Value must be configured as the Netsmart ID Keyword Value for the Integration for Netsmart Homecare to function.


    Netsmart ID and Patient ID values must be unique. Inserting duplicated Netsmart ID/Patient ID values in the AutoFill Keyword Set may cause issues with syncing.

  14. To perform a folder query instead of showing the Patient Briefcase to Host Mode users, select the Host mode foldering enabled check box. Performing a folder query instead of showing the Patient Briefcase allows Host Mode users to see more documents.
    1. Select a folder to query in the Host Mode FolderType drop-down list.
    2. If you want to query using a keyword other than the Netsmart ID Keyword, select a keyword type to query in the Host Mode Folder Keyword Type drop-down list. The keywords displayed in this list are common between the selected keyset and the selected folder.

      This option is only available when Internal AutoFill Keyword Sets are used.

  15. Select the Synchronization Settings tab. This tab allows you to configure the synchronization settings for the Integration for Netsmart Homecare. Integration for Netsmart Homecare users will have access to documents from these Document Types only if they have also been given access to these Document Types through the OnBase Configuration module.
  16. To filter the documents that will be synchronized based on the age of the document, select Enable default document age filtering.
    1. In the Default maximum document age field, specify a number of days from the current date to be used for all Document Types.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Select a Document Type from the Document Type drop-down list.
    4. Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down list.

      The Keyword Type drop-down list is limited to Keyword Types that are part of the AutoFill Keyword Set selected in the Associated Keyset drop-down list and Keyword Types associated with the selected Document Type.

    5. Specify whether you want to override the Default maximum document age for the selected Document Type by changing the value in the Document Age Filter (days) field. When set to 0, no age restriction is applied.

      You cannot override the Default maximum document age by setting the Document Age Filter (days) to 0.

    6. Repeat the above steps until you have configured the synchronization settings for all Integration for Netsmart Homecare Document Types. You cannot configure the same Document Type twice.

    If necessary, click the appropriate Remove button to remove assigned settings.


    When possible, Keyword Types should be configured as the Netsmart ID Keyword Value.

  17. Select the Import Settings tab. This tab allows you to configure Integration for Netsmart Homecare import settings. Integration for Netsmart Homecare users will be able to create new documents of this Document Type and upload these documents to OnBase.
    To configure settings:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Select a Document Type from the Document Type drop-down list.
    3. Select one of the following types of documents from the Import Type drop-down list:
      • Other- The document is an OLE document.

      • Forms- The document is an electronic form (E-Form).

      • Imaging- The document is an image.

      • Unity Forms- The document is a Unity Form. Select a Unity Form from the corresponding drop-down list.


      Other types of documents cannot be imported with the Integration for Netsmart Homecare.

    4. Repeat the above steps until you have configured the import settings for all Integration for Netsmart Homecare Document Types. You cannot configure the same Document Type twice.
    If necessary, click the appropriate Remove button to remove assigned settings.
  18. Select the Keyset Synchronization Settings tab. This tab allows you to configure how often you want to synchronize any AutoFill Keyword Sets for offline use.

    The AutoFill Keyword Set used as the Associated Keyset does not need to be added to the Keyset Synchronization Settings tab. Only secondary AutoFill Keyword Sets that may be required in your solution process should be configured under the Keyset Synchronization Settings tab.


    The Associated Keyset only synchronizes the records of the AutoFill Keyword Set identified under Choose items to Synchronize on the Home tab in Integration for Netsmart Homecare. All records of AutoFill Keyword Sets configured under the Keyset Synchronization Settings tab are synchronized.

    To configure settings:

    1. Click Add.
    2. Select an AutoFill Keyword Set from the Keyset drop-down list.
    3. Specify an update frequency (in days) in the Update Frequency (days) field. A value of 0 means that the AutoFill Keyword Set will be refreshed during every synchronization.
    4. Repeat the above steps until you have configured synchronization settings for all AutoFill Keyword Sets.
    If necessary, click the appropriate Remove button to remove assigned settings.
  19. Select the User Mapping Settings tab to map Netsmart Homecare application usernames with OnBase usernames. Netsmart Homecare application usernames are used for authentication purposes. This tab is only used for the Integration for Netsmart Homecare.

    Each Netsmart Homecare application username and OnBase username can only be mapped once. If you attempt to map a username more than once, an error is displayed. All users must be mapped, even if their Netsmart Homecare application username matches their OnBase username. For assistance in scripting this process, contact your first line of support.

    To configure settings:

    1. Click Add.
    2. Type the Netsmart Homecare application username in the External User Name field.
    3. Select the corresponding OnBase username from the OnBase User Name drop-down list.
    4. Repeat the above steps until you have configured all users.
    5. If necessary, click the appropriate Remove button to remove assigned settings.
  20. Select the User Groups tab. This tab allows you to assign specific user groups to have access to the Field Application.
    To configure settings:
    1. Select the Apply User Group Security check box.
    2. Select one or more user groups from the Available User Groups column.
    3. Click the arrow to add the selected user groups to the Selected User Groups column.
    4. To add all user groups, click the Add All Items button.