Before configuring the Integration for Netsmart Homecare, ensure that you have completely configured:
Keyword Types.
Note:It is considered a best practice to only use internal Keyword Data Sets with the Integration for Netsmart Homecare. While External Keyword Data Sets function with the Integration for Netsmart Homecare, using them can severely impact synchronization performance.
Document Types.
Users must have Create rights in order to create documents in the Integration for Netsmart Homecare and upload them to OnBase during synchronization.
AutoFill Keyword Sets, including AutoFill Keyword Set Lookups.
AutoFill Keyword Sets is the primary OnBase functionality that the Integration for Netsmart Homecare uses to synchronize documents. AutoFill Keyword Sets are populated with data from the Netsmart Homecare application, allowing users to upload documents without indexing. For more information on AutoFill Keyword Sets and AutoFill Keyword Set Lookups, see the AutoFill Keyword Sets module reference guide.
E-Forms and/or Unity Forms.
These E-Forms and Unity Forms must reside in OnBase before they can be used with the Integration for Netsmart Homecare. For information on E-Form configuration, see the E-Forms documentation, as well as Offline E-Form Design Considerations . For information on Unity Forms configuration, see the Unity Forms module reference guide, as well as Offline Unity Form Design Considerations .
HL7 Listener.
For more information, see the HL7 Module module reference guide.
For more information, see the Folders module reference guide.
Disassociation of configuration items is not propagated to offline databases. Before disassociating configuration items, sync all offline users and back up the database. Once configuration changes have been made, offline databases must be deleted and reinstalled. For more information, see Disassociation of Configuration Items.