After the Integration for Netsmart Homecare is configured and in use, disassociating configuration items in the Configuration module may cause data integrity issues. Removing associations between configuration items is not propagated to offline databases, so offline changes to items dependent upon those associations may be lost when the offline database is synced. For example, if a Keyword Type is removed from a Document Type in the Configuration module, offline users who update Keyword Values for that Keyword Type on documents of the disassociated Document Type will lose their changes when they sync to the online database.
Before disassociating configuration items, perform the following:
- Sync all offline users to the online database.
- Back up the online database.
- Make disassociation changes to configuration items in the Configuration module.
- Delete offline databases.
- Reinstall offline databases using the backup copy of the online database.
For more information on disassociating configuration items, contact your first line of support.