From Fax Number Value is Set to 0 (Zero) - Integration for Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition

Integration for Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition
Foundation 24.1

In most cases, the from fax number value is set to zero because the OwnerDID.Number property is being used to capture the number from which the fax was sent (often referred to as the fax DID).

This mapping may have been configured as a replacement for using the faxDIDNumber property, which used to contain the number from which the fax was sent in versions of the Integration for RightFax before OnBase 10.0. However, the faxDIDNumber property is no longer available for mapping in OnBase 10.0 and greater.

The current RightFax FromFaxNumber property should be used in place of both the faxDIDNumber and OwnerDID.Number properties in OnBase 10.0 and greater to capture the number from which the fax was sent.