Applications - Integration for Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Integration for Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition

Integration for Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition
Foundation 24.1

Integration for RightFax users can leverage the significant investment they have already made in their fax server by further automating the business processes built around faxed documents. The Integration for RightFax automatically indexes and archives documents directly into OnBase, making the faxed documents immediately available to all authorized employees.

Business process owners will find that faxed documents are archived into OnBase and immediately available, not only for access, but for automating business processes through tools such as Workflow. Fax metadata, including sending fax number and received fax number, can be used to automatically route the documents to specific business users that need to verify the faxed documents for completeness before processing continues.

Integration for RightFax addresses the following business problems:

  • Printing and scanning faxed documents is costly and often reduces image quality.

  • Paper faxes are often lost or misplaced, causing costly business delays.

  • You cannot ensure security or view audit trail of paper faxes containing sensitive or classified information.

  • After paper faxes are received and scanned, they often need to be sent away for shredding and disposal.

  • Outbound faxes are often not retained when sent to business associates.