Creating a Vendor Import Configuration File - Intelligent Capture for AP - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 22.1

Since vendor data may take on a variety of different forms, you must create an XML configuration file to interpret the types of data and the order in which they appear in the vendor data source file. This will allow the Data Capture Server Windows Service to process the data correctly when it imports the data into your system.

By default, when the Data Capture Configuration Tool is installed, a template for a vendor import XML configuration file (VendorImportAutomationConfiguration.xml) is created in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Data Capture Configuration\Templates. This template, which contains sample code similar to the following, can be used as a starting point when creating your XML configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
      <ERPID>Add number here</ERPID>
      <PrimaryValue>Add number here</PrimaryValue>
      <Header>True</Header> <!-- True or False -->
      <UseANSI>False</UseANSI> <!-- True or False -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddVendorData"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddVendorLabel"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddCompanyID"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddActivity" inactive="I|F"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddAddress"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddBlank"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddUSAPhoneNumber"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddURL"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddGeneralPhoneNumber"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddEmail"/> -->
         <!-- <Data value="AddOther" regEx="testRegex"/> -->

For more information on these settings, see the table below.

<FileLayout> Attributes



This option specifies the file path of the vendor data source file (e.g., C:\Data Capture Files\Vendor Data\VendorFile1.csv).


This option specifies the ERP ID of the ERP system into which the vendor data is to be imported.


This option specifies the Keyword Type number of the Keyword Type that represents the primary data value (i.e., Vendor Name or Vendor Number) from the vendor data source file.


The Keyword Type number can be found in the upper-right corner of the Keyword Type Configuration dialog box within OnBase Configuration. See the System Administration module reference guide or help file for more information.


This option specifies whether the vendor data source file contains header information (i.e., True or False).


This option specifies whether the vendor data source file will be imported using ANSI encoding (i.e., True or False). Set this option to True if the vendor data source file contains ANSI characters. If this option is set to False, or if this option is not included in the XML configuration file, the vendor data source file will be imported using UTF-8 encoding.


This option consists of Data value settings listed in the order in which they appear in the vendor data source file. The values specified by these settings allow the Data Capture Server Windows Service to identify the types and order of the data being imported into your system.

The following Data value settings are supported. Each setting represents the type of data contained in a column of the vendor data source file.

  • AddAddress: Address data.

  • AddCompanyID: Company ID data.

  • AddEmail: Email data.

  • AddGeneralPhoneNumber: Phone number data (possibly international).

  • AddUSAPhoneNumber: U.S. phone number data.

  • AddURL: URL data.

  • AddVendorData: Type of data that is unique to the vendor.

  • AddVendorLabel: Data for a vendor label.

  • AddActivity: Vendor status of active or inactive. This setting also requires a second attribute, inactive, which specifies which data values represent an inactive status. Data values for inactive must be in all capitals, and multiple data values are separated by a pipe character (|) with no spaces.

    For example: <Data value="AddActivity" inactive="I|F"/>

  • AddBlank: Blank column, or a column of data that should not be imported.

  • AddOther: Custom regular expression data. This setting also requires a second attribute, regEx, which is used to specify the name of the custom regular expression.

    For example: <Data value="AddOther" regEx="testRegex"/>