Importing Vendor Data From a File - Intelligent Capture for AP - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 22.1

To import vendor data from a .csv or .xlsx file, your database must have a representation of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system from which the vendor data is derived. This feature allows you to manage vendor data from multiple ERP systems while keeping the data from each ERP system separate.

At least one ERP system record must be configured to use ICAP processing. Even if an ERP system is not being used in your environment, simply create a generic ERP system configuration record.

To import vendor data from a .csv or .xlsx file:

  1. From the AP Configuration Options screen, select Configure ERP Vendor Data and click Next.

    The ERP System Setup screen is displayed.


    The date and time in the Last Vendor Update column is based on the time and time zone of the OnBase database.

  2. To create a new ERP system record, type the name of the ERP system in New ERP System Name and click Add. The ERP system is added to the Configured ERP Systems list.
  3. To modify previously configured ERP systems, select the ERP system in the Configured ERP Systems list and perform one of the following:
    • Click Edit to rename the ERP system. The Edit ERP System dialog box is displayed, allowing you to type a new name and click Submit.

    • Click Delete the delete the ERP system. This action deletes all vendor data associated with the ERP system, as well as all scan queue mappings, Document Type mappings, and Keyword Type mappings associated with the ERP system. The user's password is required to confirm the deletion.


    The Unlock button should only be used if a pre-existing ERP system has become locked due to an unexpected issue. Unlocking an ERP system during an active vendor data update could result in data conflicts for the Intelligent Capture for AP engine. For more information, contact your first line of support.

  4. Click Next. The AP Vendor File Import screen is displayed.
    1. Use the Selected ERP System drop-down list to select the appropriate ERP system to load with vendor data.
    2. In the Vendor Import Data Action section, select one of the following:
      • Select Synchronize Data to overwrite the data already residing in the system with the data from the import file. This option compares the existing vendor data in the system to the import file data, and it adds new data, updates existing data, and removes system data not found in the import file.

      • Select Update Data to supplement the data already residing in your database with the data you are importing. This option compares the existing vendor data in the system to the import file data, and it only adds new data and updates system data that differs from the import file data.

    3. Once you have selected an import action, browse to a .csv or .xlsx file containing the vendor data to be imported. If you are importing data from a .csv file and the file includes headers for the groups of data in the file, select Contains Header Information.
      If the file includes ANSI characters, select Use ANSI Encoding For Import.
    4. Click Load File. If the load is successful, the data from the import file is displayed in a table.

      If the .csv or .xlsx import file contains an invalid XML character, a message is displayed and the data is not imported.

    5. Once you are finished reviewing the data, click Next.
  5. The AP Vendor Setup screen is displayed.

    The vendor data from the import file is listed according to Vendor Data Title(i.e., the headers in the import file). Select the check box in the Primary Data Item column next to the title that will be used to represent a vendor (e.g., Vendor Name or Vendor Number). Then select the appropriate Keyword Type to be associated with the vendor data.


    Depending on your configuration, this primary data item may serve as the primary Keyword of an AutoFill Keyword Set, populating other vendor information (e.g., phone number, street address, email address, etc.) that has been stored about the vendor and included as Keywords on the vendor's invoices. If you configure a vendor label in the next step, this primary Keyword Value can also be used to assign a value to the complementary vendor name/number Keyword Value that serves as the vendor label. For more information, proceed to the next step.

    Once you are finished making your selections, click Next.

  6. The AP Vendor Option Setup screen is displayed.

    As in the previous step, the vendor data from the import file is listed according to Vendor Data Title. Here you have the option of configuring the values from one of these Data Sets to be used as vendor labels, status indicators, or company ID values.

    • Vendor labels help you easily identify vendors during the configuration process.

    • Status indicators identify whether a vendor is active or inactive. Only vendors with an active status are included in the drop-down lists for Vendor Name and Vendor Number during index verification.

    • Company ID values identify the company entity associated with a vendor in a multi-company ERP system. The company ID is tied to the vendor number and vendor name to represent a single unique vendor record. Company ID values can be mapped to a Keyword Type for retrieval and identification purposes.

    To configure a Data Set as one of these special data types:

    1. To configure vendor labels, select Vendor Label in the Option column next to the Data Set whose values are to be used as vendor labels in your configuration. The values in the selected Data Set serve as the secondary vendor name/number Keyword Values, which will be automatically assigned according to the primary vendor name/number Keyword Value (i.e., the primary data item configured in the previous step).
    2. To configure status indicators, select Status in the Option column next to the Data Set whose values indicate vendor status. The vendor status values are displayed in a table below the Data Sets table.

      For each unique value in the Activity Value column, configure the status of that value by selecting Active or Inactive in the Status column.

    3. To configure company ID values, select Company ID in the Option column next to the Data Set that contains the company ID values for the vendor data being imported.
    Once you are finished making your selections, click Next.
  7. The AP Vendor Identifier Setup screen is displayed.

    The remaining vendor data from the import file (i.e., the data that was not selected as a Primary Data Item on the AP Vendor Setup screen) is listed according to Vendor Data Title in the upper table. Once an identifier is configured for a Data Set, the Data Set is moved to the lower table.

    1. Select the check box in the Currently Selected Identifier column next to the Data Set that will be used to identify vendors. The values in this Data Set should be ones that will physically appear on invoices, and they will typically take the form of phone numbers, street addresses, email addresses, etc.
    2. Once you select a Data Set, click Configure Identifier to enable additional configuration options.

      After clicking Configure Identifier, you can abort the process of configuring the currently selected identifier by clicking Cancel Identifier. This allows you to cancel the identifier without having to first complete its configuration and then undo the entire process.

    3. From the Regular Expression Value drop-down list, select a regular expression to associate with the Data Set.

      The General Phone Number regular expression can be used to find both United States and non-United States phone numbers. If you use this regular expression to find United States phone numbers, be aware that it is less restrictive than the U.S.A. Phone Number regular expression and can thus return more false positive results.

      • If you want to manage the regular expressions in your solution, click RegEx Manager to open the Regular Expression Library dialog box. For more information on using this dialog box, see Managing the Regular Expression Library.

    4. From the Regular Expression Data Type drop-down list, select a data type (e.g., Phone Number, Street Address, etc.) to associate with the Data Set. This selection instructs the Intelligent Capture for AP engine to use a specific type of logic when identifying data. For example, fuzzy matching can be applied to street addresses but not to phone numbers.

      You can select the Inactive data type from the Regular Expression Data Type drop-down list to prevent the corresponding Data Set from being used for vendor identification. For example, if different branches of the same company are represented as different vendors in the import file, those branches may share the same corporate phone number. You can associate the Inactive data type with the corresponding Data Set to prevent phone numbers from being used to identify vendors.

    5. Once you have finished configuring the vendor identifier, click Add Identifier to ready the data for upload into OnBase. The Data Set is removed from the upper table and added to the lower table.
    6. If you want to undo a vendor identifier configuration, select the Currently Selected Identifier check box in the vendor's listing in the lower table, and then click Undo Identifier. The Data Set you most recently configured as a vendor identifier is removed from the lower table and added back to the upper table.
    7. If you want to configure additional vendor identifiers, select another Data Set from the upper table and repeat the previous steps to configure and add the identifier to the lower table.

      The order in which you add vendor identifiers for upload sets the precedence for the Intelligent Capture for AP engine to select vendors if there are conflicting vendor identifiers on a document.

    8. Once you have finished configuring all vendor identifiers, click Upload Vendor Data. A status bar is displayed to show the progress of the data upload to OnBase. When the upload is complete, a message is displayed.
    9. Once you are finished uploading vendor data, click Next. The Summary screen is displayed.

      If you are configuring the ERP system vendor data through First Time Setup, the Schedule Vendor Script screen is displayed before the Summary screen. See Configuring a Scheduled Vendor Import Process.

    A brief summary of your configuration settings is listed. Once you are finished reviewing the summary, do one of the following:

    • To save your configuration changes and return to the Product Selection screen, click Continue Configuration.

    • To save your configuration changes and close the Data Capture Configuration window, click Finish.