Navigating in a Custom Capture Process - Intelligent Capture for AP - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 22.1

To enable the TAB Cycles Through Suspect Keywords option for a scan queue using a custom capture process:

  1. From OnBase Studio, select the Capture Process tab in the Repositories pane.
  2. Within the Capture Process tab, open the scan queue and capture process to be used for Intelligent Capture for AP processing.
  3. In the design view pane, select the Index status step configured for performing Intelligent Capture for AP index verification. The indexing process options are displayed in the General tab of the Properties pane.
  4. Select the TAB Cycles Through Suspect Keywords check box in the Indexing Focus section of the indexing process options.
  5. Click Save on the Home ribbon.