Scan Queue Configuration for a Custom Capture Process - Intelligent Capture for AP - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 22.1

For a scan queue using a custom capture process, most of the configuration of the scan queue for Intelligent Capture for AP takes place in OnBase Studio using the Capture Process Designer. However, you must first create the scan queue itself. You can create the scan queue in OnBase Studio or in the OnBase Configuration module. For complete information on configuring scan queues, see the Document Imaging module reference guide.

If you use the OnBase Configuration module to create the scan queue, you must enable the scan queue to use the Capture Process Designer. After you have created the scan queue, you must use OnBase Studio to create and configure a custom capture process that includes Intelligent Capture for AP.

For more information on custom capture processes and the Capture Process Designer, see the Document Imaging documentation.