Modifying Vendor Identifiers - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 23.1

You can access existing vendor identifier data by selecting a vendor from the Vendor Values table and clicking the Identifiers tab to display the Vendor Identifiers table.

From here, you can add, modify, or delete individual vendor identifiers for use in your Intelligent Capture for AP solution:

  1. To add a new vendor identifier value, select the corresponding vendor value from the Vendor Values table and click Add New Identifier. The Add Vendor Identifier dialog box is displayed.

    Enter a Vendor Identifier value and select a Regular Expression Value and a Regular Expression Data Type to associate with the identifier.

    • If you want to add a regular expression to the standard regular expressions supplied in the drop-down list, click Add New RegEx. The Add Regular Expression dialog box is displayed.

      Enter a description and the regular expression itself in the appropriate fields, and then enter a sample expression in the Sample Text field. Click Test to determine if your sample matches the form of your regular expression. Once the test is successful, click Add to add the new regular expression to the drop-down list.


      Only valid regular expressions can be added. If you attempt to add an invalid regular expression, an error message is displayed.

    When finished, click Submit to add the new vendor identifier to the Vendor Identifiers table.

  2. To modify an existing vendor identifier, select its listing from the Vendor Identifiers table and click Modify Identifier(or double-click the listing in the table). The Modify Vendor Identifier dialog box is displayed.

    Make the desired edits to the Vendor Identifier, Regular Expression Value, and Regular Expression Data Type. When finished, click Submit. The changes are reflected in the Vendor Identifiers table.

  3. To delete a vendor identifier, select its listing from the Vendor Identifiers table and click Delete Identifier. The identifier's listing is removed from the Vendor Identifiers table.