Routing Batches to the ICAP Processing Queue - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 23.1

In order for batches of unindexed documents to undergo Intelligent Capture for AP, the scan queue associated with the batches must be configured to route batches to the batch status queue for Intelligent Capture for AP processing. Depending on your configuration, this status queue may be named Awaiting Intelligent Capture for AP, or it may have a name customized for your solution.

The Intelligent Capture for AP processing batch status queue is routinely polled by the Data Capture Server Windows Service. When the service encounters a batch in the Intelligent Capture for AP processing batch status queue, it automatically processes the batch with no user intervention.

After the batch is processed, it is routed to the next configured batch status queue or to the batch status queue configured for index verification. Depending on your configuration, this status queue may be named Index in Progress, or it may have a name customized for your solution.

The method used to configure a scan queue to route batches to the ICAP processing batch status queue depends on whether the scan queue uses a standard capture process or the Capture Process Designer.