System Prerequisites - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 23.1

The following OnBase features/functionalities must be correctly installed and configured prior to using Intelligent Capture for AP:

  • OnBase Service Account

  • Hyland OCR Engine (64-bit)

  • Hyland Data Capture Server

  • Hyland Data Capture Configuration Tool

  • OnBase Application Server

  • OnBase Unity Client

  • One or more batch import modules (e.g., Document Imaging, Disconnected Scanning, Document Import Processor, etc.). Batch import modules are used to import the batches of unindexed documents that are classified and indexed via Intelligent Capture for AP, and can also be used to import the batches of documents that are used to create the Intelligent Capture for AP training sets.

For more information on the installation and configuration of these OnBase features and products, contact your solution provider.