Modifying Vendor Data - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

You can modify existing vendor data using the AP Vendor Data Administration Tool. To modify or delete existing vendor data, or to add new vendor data on an individual basis:

  1. Within the Data Capture Configuration window, once you select AP Vendor Data Administration Tool and proceed (i.e., by clicking Open), the AP Vendor Data Administration Tool is opened.

    Within this tool, you can add, modify, or delete data for individual vendors within the Selected ERP System. Existing vendor data is listed according to Vendor Value(i.e., the vendor name/number) in the Vendor Values table in the upper portion of the screen. When a vendor from this table is selected, different types of corresponding information are displayed in a table in the bottom portion of the screen, depending on which tab is selected.

    • When the Identifiers tab is selected, the vendor identifiers that correspond to the selected vendor are listed in the Vendor Identifiers table in the bottom portion of the screen. For more information, see Modifying Vendor Identifiers.

    • When the Learned Data tab is selected, the data that has been learned and stored by the Intelligent Capture for AP engine for the selected vendor and Document Type is listed in the Learned Data table in the bottom portion of the screen. For more information, see Deleting Learned Data.

  2. Select the ERP system in the Selected ERP System drop-down list.
  3. To quickly locate an existing vendor, select Vendor or Identifier from the drop-down list next to the search field at the top of the screen, depending on whether you want to search by a Vendor Value (the vendor name or vendor number) or by a vendor identifier value (such as a phone number or address).
    1. To search using a Vendor Value, begin typing the vendor name or vendor number into the text search field. As you type, matching values populate a drop-down list below the search field. The associated company ID (if available) is displayed in parenthesis after each Vendor Value in list.

      You can navigate the list of potential values and initiate the search in the following ways:

      • Press Esc to close the drop-down list and clear data from the search field.

      • Click a value in the drop-down list to populate this value in the search field.

      • Press the up and down arrow keys to scroll through and individually highlight the values in the drop-down list.

      • Press Tab to populate the search field with the highlighted value from the drop-down list and move the focus out of the search field.

      • Press Enter to populate the search field with the highlighted value from the drop-down list and initiate the search. If only one value is showing in the drop-down list, you do not have to highlight this value before pressing Enter to initiate the search.

      • As an alternative to pressing Enter, you can click the Search Data button to initiate the search.

      Once you have initiated the search, matching results are highlighted on the screen.

    2. To search using an identifier, enter the identifier value into the text search field. You can use an asterisk wildcard character (*) to search a set of values.

      You can interact with the search field and initiate the search in the following ways:

      • Press Esc to clear data from the search field.

      • Press Enter or click the Search Data button to initiate the search.

    3. If the identifier search returns multiple results, the Identifier Selection dialog box is displayed.

      Select the desired vendor data and click OK. The matching vendor record is highlighted on the main screen.

  4. To add a new vendor, click Add New Vendor. The Add Vendor Value dialog box is displayed.

    Enter a Vendor Value (i.e., the primary data item), Vendor Label, and Company ID, and use the drop-down list to select a Keyword Type to be associated with the vendor. This Keyword Type should match the primary data item type. Use the Active check box to indicate whether the status of the vendor is active or inactive.


    Only vendors with an Active status are included in the drop-down lists for Vendor Name and Vendor Number during index verification.

    When finished, click Submit to add the new vendor to the Vendor Values table.

  5. To modify an existing vendor, select its listing from the Vendor Values table and click Modify Vendor(or double-click the listing in the table). The Modify Vendor Value dialog box is displayed.

    Make the desired edits to the Vendor Value, Vendor Label, Company ID, Keyword Type, and Active check box. When finished, click Submit. The changes are reflected in the Vendor Values table.

  6. To delete one or more vendors, select the listing(s) from the Vendor Values table. To select more than one listing, do one of the following:
    • Press CTRL and click multiple vendor listings.

    • Click a vendor listing and drag until all the vendors you wish to delete have been selected.

    • Click a vendor listing, press Shift, and use the arrow keys to select consecutive vendor listings above or below the vendor you originally selected.

    Then, click Delete Vendors. Any vendors that are deleted are removed from the Vendor Values table, and their corresponding identifier values are removed from the Vendor Identifiers table. Any learned data associated with the vendor(s) is also deleted.

  7. To modify vendor identifiers or delete data that has been learned and stored by the Intelligent Capture for AP engine, select a vendor in the Vendor Values table and proceed to the appropriate section below.
  8. Once you are finished adding, modifying, or deleting data for individual vendors, click Close to return to the Data Capture Configuration window.