Deleting a Connection String - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

You can use Web Application Management Console to delete a data source connection string from the .config file.

To delete a connection string:

  1. In the Web Application Management Console, open the Application Server's web.config file by clicking Open Web Application and selecting the Application Server from the list of web applications.

    Opening the Application Server web.config file is required to access the connection strings configuration utility, even if you are not configuring the Application Server.

  2. Select Connection Strings > View Contexts to remove connection strings.
    If you are configuring an application or service other than the Application Server, follow these additional steps to open the appropriate .config file:
    1. Select File > Configuration Path.
    2. Browse to open the .config file for the application or service.

      You can also apply the -CONFIGPATH command line switch to the Web Application Management Console shortcut to directly open a .config file in the connection strings dialog box. See the command line switches section of the Web Application Management Console documentation for more information.

    The connection strings dialog box is displayed.
    The Configuration tab with a list of Data Sources on the left and the available options on the right, including the Data Source Name, Data Source, and Database fields, as well as the Data Provider and Encrypt drop-down lists
  3. Select the item you want to delete from the Data Sources list.
  4. Click Remove.
    The data source is removed from the list.
  5. Select File > Save to save the .config file.
  6. Select File > Close to exit the connection strings dialog box.