GeneralSettings Sub-Element - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

<GeneralSettings> Attributes



This option controls the name of the data source that is used to connect the Data Capture Server to your OnBase database.


This option controls the user name of the OnBase service account that runs the Data Capture Server Windows Service.


This option controls the password of the OnBase service account that runs the Data Capture Server Windows Service.


This option controls the length of time (in seconds) that the Data Capture Server Windows Service waits before polling the Data Capture Server for new jobs to process and the batch status queues for unindexed batches of documents to process for the following modules:

  • Intelligent Capture for AP


Content created by the Data Capture Server (e.g., verification reports) is displayed in the Windows default operating system language.

To set the Data Capture Server to create content in a language different from the default operating system language, type the language code, such as de-DE for German or fr-FR for French. For more information on language codes, see


The Data Capture Server Windows Service respects the default DisplayLanguage setting for the service account running the service. This service account may be different than the current Windows user account. When changing the DisplayLanguage setting under the current Windows user account, ensure that this setting is consistent with the desired locale under which the Data Capture Server Windows Service should be running.


The Data Capture Server creates dates, time, currency, and numeric values using the default Windows locale settings configured in Regional and Language Options.

To override the default Windows locale settings for these created values, type the ISO code, such as de-CH for German (Switzerland).


The Data Capture Server Windows Service respects the default Culture setting for the service account running the service. This service account may be different than the current Windows user account. When changing the Culture setting under the current Windows user account, ensure that this setting is consistent with the desired locale under which the Data Capture Server Windows Service should be running.