External Files - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

Ensure that your onbase32.ini file is properly restored to the correct location by the backup copy.

The onbase32.ini file can be restored from the backup if the recovery machine is intended to be used for exactly the same purpose as the original machine. If this machine will be used for other modules, thorough testing may be required to ensure that there are no unintended consequences from adding/modifying INI settings on the existing workstation.

Restore the Hyland OCR Engine by re-installing it on the server hosting the Data Capture Server Windows Service using the Hyland OCR Engine setup wizard.

Restore the Data Capture Server Windows Service by re-installing it on the server hosting the Hyland OCR Engine using the Hyland Data Capture Server x64 Setup wizard.