Performing Line Item Extraction Verification - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

While the standard Keyword panel can be used to verify all values extracted from documents during ICAP processing, the Line Item Extraction Verification panel is designed specifically for verifying line item values for Keywords that belong to Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups. Unlike the standard Keyword panel, the Line Item Extraction Verification panel displays the values extracted from a table format detected on the document in a matching table display, complete with column headers. If a header value from the document cannot be read, a generic header (e.g., Column 1) is displayed in the value's place in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel.

When performing index verification on a batch that has undergone ICAP processing, the Line Item Extraction Verification panel is displayed below the currently displayed document in the Document Viewer.

As with the standard Keyword panel, the Line Item Extraction Verification panel allows you to select individual Keyword Values and applies the appropriate color highlights (i.e., the colors that correspond to the values' Suspect Level scores) to the currently selected value on the document in the Document Viewer. The corresponding Keyword Value in the standard Keyword panel is also highlighted with a thick black border.

Within the Line Item Extraction Verification panel itself, individual cells containing suspect values are outlined in a bronze border. Also, rows in the panel that contain line item validation exceptions are marked by a bronze highlight to the left of the row (i.e., instances where line item extraction results failed to meet the validation rules built in to the Intelligent Capture for AP engine to ensure the highest quality extraction data). Aside from the bronze border and the bronze highlight, any color highlights applied to the rows, columns, and individual cells within the Line Item Extraction Verification panel are for call-out purposes only; they do not correspond to any value's Suspect Level score or validation status.

Depending on the values extracted from the document during ICAP processing, the Line Item Extraction Verification panel might contain more than one line item table. While the Intelligent Capture for AP engine attempts to identify the primary line item table and displays it by default, you can navigate and manage the additional extracted data in multiple line item tables using the buttons in the upper-right corner of the Line Item Extraction Verification panel.



Click Previous to return to the previous line item table.

Click Next to navigate to the next line item table.

Once you navigate to a new line item table, click Extract to clear the previous line item table's values from the standard Keyword panel and replace them with the values from the current line item table.

Once you navigate to a new line item table, click Merge to merge the values from the current line item table with the previous line item table's values and add the merged values to the standard Keyword panel.

Once you have identified the appropriate line item table for the document, you can cycle through or edit the tables' values by first clicking on a Keyword Value in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel and then doing any of the following:

  • Press Tab to navigate to the next value.

  • Press Shift+Tab to navigate to the previous value.

  • Edit the value in the currently selected table cell. Once you edit an extracted value in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel, the edited value is bolded and, if present, the bronze border around the cell is removed. The edited value is also automatically reflected in the corresponding Keyword Type field in the standard Keyword panel.


While the values in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel can be used to assist with indexing a document, the Keyword Values in the standard Keyword panel are the values that are ultimately indexed. If you edit a value in the standard Keyword panel, the corresponding value is not automatically reflected in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel.

To supplement the common indexing features above, you can take advantage of the Line Item Extraction Verification panel's table format by doing any of the following:

  • Click to the left of a row in the panel to highlight the entire row in orange. The corresponding row is also highlighted on the document.

    Once a row is highlighted, you can press Delete to delete both the row from the Line Item Extraction Verification panel and its corresponding Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group from the standard Keyword panel. Before the items are removed from both panels, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion.


    Only one row can be deleted at a time.

  • Click a column header in the panel to highlight the entire column in orange. The corresponding column is also highlighted on the document.

Once you have finished verifying multi-instance Keyword Values in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel for the current document, you can do one of the following:

  • Click back in the standard Keyword panel to resume indexing single-instance Keyword Values for the current document, or to utilize the Interactive Data Capture indexing features for the multi-instance Keyword Values.

  • Click Index to index the current document and proceed to the next document requiring index verification.