Splitting Columns - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

You can use Swiping to select a specific portion of data in a column that contains more than one type of data. Selecting only a portion of the data in a column will prompt you to split the single column into two columns:

ICAP Verification has detected a partial column value. Would you like to split column [<ColumnName>]?

  • Click Yes to split the column displayed in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel into two separate columns, with the selected value populating a column with a header matching the Keyword Type name and the unselected value populating a column with a New Column header.

  • Click No to populate the selected value in the original column without splitting it.

You can also use Swiping to select a single row of data from an area on the document that contains stacked rows within a table cell. Selecting a single row containing a value that is not currently displayed in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel will prompt you to split the stacked rows into separate columns:

ICAP has detected a new column. Would you like to add this column?

  • Click Yes to retain the original column displayed in the Line Item Extraction Verification panel with the original value (e.g., from the first stacked row) while adding a new column with the selected value (e.g., from the second stacked row) under a header matching the Keyword Type name.

  • Click No to replace the original value in the original column with the selected value (i.e., without creating a new column).