Reviewing the Extraction Summary - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

While both the standard Keyword panel and the Line Item Extraction Verification panel can be used to verify individual Keyword Values extracted from the document, the Extraction Summary panel can be used to quickly review all of a document's extracted Keyword, vendor, and header data in a single, consolidated display.

When performing index verification on a batch that has undergone ICAP processing, the ICAP Extraction Summary button is displayed at the bottom of the Batch Indexing layout, below the Document Viewer and, if displayed, the Line Item Extraction Verification panel.

To open the Extraction Summary panel, click the ICAP Extraction Summary button. The Extraction Summary panel is displayed to the right of the Document Viewer.

To close the Extraction Summary panel, either click the ICAP Extraction Summary button again or click the Close button at the bottom of the panel.

Depending on the extraction results for the current document, the following types of data may be displayed in the Extraction Summary panel:

  • Vendor identification results, including vendor number, vendor name, and (if applicable) company ID

  • Source of vendor identification information (the ICAP engine's vendor identification operation, pre-indexing, or an AutoFill Keyword Set)

  • Identifiers related to an identification match

  • All parsed phone numbers and addresses (when no vendor match is found)

  • Identifiers related to a vendor match conflict (i.e., for repairing bad vendor data from the Data Capture Configuration Tool or your ERP system)

  • Invoice summary/header extraction results

  • Line item extraction results

  • Line item validation exceptions (i.e., instances where line item extraction results failed to meet the validation rules built in to the Intelligent Capture for AP engine to ensure the highest quality extraction data)