Performing Point and Shoot Indexing - Intelligent Capture for AP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Intelligent Capture for AP

Intelligent Capture for AP
Foundation 24.1

To perform Point and Shoot Indexing:

  1. From the OnBase Client module, click Processing | Scan/Index. The Document Imaging window is displayed.
  2. In the Queue List window, select an indexing or re-indexing batch status queue (i.e., Awaiting Index, Index in Progress, Awaiting Re-Index, Re-Index in Progress, Awaiting QA Re-Index, etc.). All batches residing in the selected batch status queue are displayed in the Working window.

    The following example demonstrates how to perform Point and Shoot Indexing on an invoice document residing in the Awaiting Indexing batch status queue. Depending on the batch status queue you are using, some menu options, button names, and types of documents may be different. Consult the Document Imaging module reference guide or help files for more information.

  3. Right-click on a batch in the Working window and select Index Documents.

    The first document in the batch is displayed in the Working window.

  4. If a Document Type has not already been selected for the displayed document, select one from the Document Type drop-down for the displayed document.

    Once a Document Type is selected, the Indexing dialog box is populated with the Keyword Types associated with the Document Type.

    For illustration purposes, the following example demonstrates the selection of a Document Type for an invoice, but your solution may involve other types of documents.

  5. In the Indexing dialog box, set the focus to the field, either the Document Date field or one of the Keyword Type fields, that you would like to extract a value for.
  6. In the Working window, press and hold the Shift key and click and hold the left mouse button while using the pointer to draw a box around the value that is to be extracted.

    For illustration purposes, the following example identifies the Vendor Name on an invoice, but your solution may involve other kinds of documents or data.

  7. Release the Shift key and the left mouse button.
    There may be a brief pause while the OCR engine processes the area you selected.
  8. The value returned from the selected area is automatically populated in the selected field. Note that the focus is still set to the field after the value is populated.

    For illustration purposes, the following example identifies the Vendor Name on an invoice, but your solution may involve other kinds of documents or data.


    If you are using Point and Shoot Indexing to extract a Keyword Value that is the primary value for an AutoFill Keyword Set, be aware that the AutoFill Keyword Set is not triggered until you set the focus to another Keyword Type field.

  9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 for each value that you would like to extract for the currently displayed document.

    It is considered a best practice to always compare the values returned from the OCR engine to the actual values displayed on the document when performing Point and Shoot Indexing.

  10. Once you are finished indexing the current document, click Index. The next document in the batch is displayed.
    Repeat Steps 4 through 9 for the remaining documents in the batch. Once all documents in the batch have been indexed, the batch is automatically routed to the next batch status queue configured for the scan queue.