Configuring a ShareBase Profile - Interaction with ShareBase - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Interaction with ShareBase

Interaction with ShareBase
Foundation 22.1

To use the Workflow actions for the OnBase Interaction with ShareBase, you must configure at least one ShareBase profile. A ShareBase profile must be configured before the associated Workflow actions can be configured. ShareBase profiles are configured in OnBase Studio.

To configure ShareBase profiles in OnBase Studio:

  1. Select the Workflow tab.
  2. Click the ShareBase Profiles button. The ShareBase Profiles screen is displayed:
  3. Click Add. The ShareBase Profile dialog box is displayed:
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the ShareBase profile.
  5. In the URL field, enter the URL to the ShareBase data center for your region. For example:
    See ShareBase Data Center URLs for a list of ShareBase data center URLs.
  6. In the Authentication Token field, enter the API Token that was generated using ShareBase Administration.

    Only the Bearer token type is supported. Bearer tokens must include the prefix Bearer. Prefixes are case-sensitive.


    A ShareBase Site Administrator should have already generated the token using the credentials for the dedicated ShareBase user to be used with OnBase Workflow.

  7. Click Refresh to populate the Default Library drop-down select list with available libraries.
    If no libraries are found, see No Libraries Are Found.
  8. From the Default Library drop-down select list, select the ShareBase library that should be selected by default when you configure Workflow actions for this profile.

    Do not select My Library. This library and its folders cannot be shared with other users.

    If you are editing an existing ShareBase profile and the list of libraries has changed in ShareBase, click Refresh to refresh the list.

  9. Click OK. The ShareBase profile is created. The ShareBase profile is saved the next time that the repository is saved.