Running the Installer - Interaction with ShareBase - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Interaction with ShareBase

Interaction with ShareBase
Foundation 22.1

The ShareBase Monitor service installer is located in the install\ShareBase Monitor folder of your OnBase Core Services build.

To install the ShareBase Monitor service:

  1. Double-click Hyland ShareBase Monitor.msi to launch the installer. The Welcome to the Hyland ShareBase Monitor Setup Wizard screen is displayed.
  2. Click Next. The Destination Folder screen is displayed.
  3. On the Destination Folder screen, select the local folder to install the components to. By default, components are installed to one of the following locations:
    • In a 32-bit environment, the default location is C:\Program Files Hyland\Services\ShareBase Monitor\

    • In a 64-bit environment, the default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\ShareBase Monitor\

    Click Change to select a different folder for the installation.

  4. Click Next. The Data Source screen is displayed.
  5. From the Data Source drop-down select list, select the data source name to connect to.
  6. Click Next. The NT Service User Account screen is displayed.

    If you want to specify a domain account under which to run the installed services, select Specify domain account to run NT Service.

    • In the User Name field, enter the domain and user name to use to run the installed services. This must be entered in the domain\username format.

    • In the Password field, enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided.

    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided. This is used to ensure that the password is typed correctly.

    If you do not specify a service account, the service will run under the Local System account.

  7. Click Next. The OnBase Service Account screen is displayed.
  8. Specify the OnBase service account configured to run installed OnBase services.
    • In the User Name field, enter the OnBase service account user name to use when accessing the data source selected on the Data Source screen. This user account must be configured as a Service Account in OnBase(see the Configuration module help files for information on creating a Service Account).

    • In the Password field, enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided.

    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided.This is used to ensure that the password is typed correctly.

  9. Click Next. The Application Server URL screen is displayed.
  10. In the Application Server URL field, type the URL to the Service page on the OnBase Application Server that the ShareBase Monitor service will communicate with.

    The ShareBase Monitor service does not support connecting to an Application Server through a load balancer. The ShareBase Monitor service must connect directly to one Application Server.

  11. Click Next. The Ready to install Hyland ShareBase Monitor screen is displayed.
  12. Click Install to install the ShareBase Monitor service.
  13. When the Completed the Hyland ShareBase Monitor Setup Wizard screen is displayed, click Finish to complete the installation.

    The service does not start automatically following the installation. You can start the service manually using the Windows Services console. The service also starts automatically when the server is restarted.