Process Settings - Keyword Update - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Keyword Update

Keyword Update
Foundation 22.1

Process Settings provide the ability for the system to interpret the index file.

An index file is made up of document records. Each record is composed of fields, which contain information about a document to be imported, such as the location of the document to be imported and its Keyword Values. The system associates field values in the record with Document Types and Keyword Types based on the Process Settings configuration for the Keyword Update format.

Index files can be organized in several ways, so you must configure the Keyword Update format to correspond with the layout of the index information.

  1. Minimize the Configuration module window on your screen.
  2. Open up the index file and minimize it. Position the Configuration module window and the index file window side by side on the computer screen. This will enable you to more easily configure your Process Settings to fit the index file.
  3. In the Configuration module, select Import | Keyword Update . The Keyword Update Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate Document Import Processing Format.
  5. Select Process Settings. The Import Processor Configuration for: dialog box is displayed.

    The settings in this dialog box apply to the entire file. All records in the file must have the same field characteristics.

  6. Select the Field Delimiters.
    Field delimiters enclose each field value, and are necessary when a separator is present within the field. For example, if formatted numeric values include commas (e.g., 2,000) use field delimiters so that the comma within the value will not be read as a separator. Field delimiter options are explained in the table below.

    Field Delimiter



    Individual field values are not enclosed within characters (for example: Perry, Bryan, 2000).


    If the file has formatted numbers that include commas, do not select None.

    Single Quote (‘)

    Individual field values are enclosed in single quotation marks. In the example, 'Perry', 'Bryan','2,000', the values are separated with commas and delimited with single quotation marks.

    Double Quote (“)

    Individual field values are enclosed in double quotation marks. For example, in “Perry”, “Bryan”, “2,000”, the fields are separated with commas and delimited with double quotation marks.


    If the field value contains a character that is used as a field delimiter, then you must type the character twice in succession to make the system treat it as a literal value. For example, ‘Sammy's Store' must be typed as ‘Sammy''s Store' to be parsed correctly. The extra delimiter character will not be included in the stored field value.

  7. Select the Separator.
    The separator differentiates between each field value and the next.




    A new line separates each of the fields.


    A tab character separates each field.


    If the Keyword Update process does not use either of the above two separators, select this option.

    In the text box, type a specific character that the file uses as a separator.


    You can also type a \ (back slash) followed by the ASCII code for the character in decimal format. For example, for a dollar sign separator, type either $ or \36 in the box.

  8. Select Options.



    Allow process to run without Search Keywords

    Selecting this option allows the process to run without using any Search Keyword actions. This option is deselected by default, because using Search Keyword actions dramatically reduces the time needed to run the process.


    Because of its widespread implications, this option is only available when running a Keyword Update - Doc Type process.

    Display unaffected keywords in verification report

    By default, Keyword Types that were unaffected by the Keyword Update process are not included in the Verification Report. Selecting this option includes those Keyword Types in the Verification Report.

    Do not trigger document update events for Aperio

    Selecting this option will prevent the process from triggering document update events for the Integration for Fiserv Aperio.

    Do not trigger document update events for Document Transfer

    Selecting this option will prevent the process from triggering document update events for Document Transfer.

    Do not trigger document update events for Gateway Caching Server

    Selecting this option will prevent the process from triggering document update events for the Gateway Caching Server.

  9. When finished configuring the Process Settings, click Save to exit the dialog box.