Common Issues - Keyword Update - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Keyword Update

Keyword Update
Foundation 22.1

I want to schedule a Keyword Update Process, but the Schedule Format option is disabled.

A preprocessor file must be configured before a Keyword Update process can be scheduled. You can either create your own preprocessor file, or speak with the Custom Solutions Group about purchasing a custom-made preprocessor file.

When I run a Global Keyword Update Process, I receive this error message: “ERROR: The process was configured without Search Keywords!”.

Search Keywords must be configured for Keyword Update - Global processes. This ensures that only the correct documents are modified by the process. Configure at least one Search Keyword in the Field Order section of your process.

When I use a Delete Keyword Action in a Doc Type Keyword Update process, Keyword Values are deleted even when they don't match the value in the index file. For example: I configure a Doc Type Keyword Update process that performs a Delete Keyword Action on the Color Keyword Value. The value in the index file is “Red”. When I run the process, OnBase deletes any Color Keyword Values, including Red, Blue, Green, etc.

If you want to delete only specific values, be sure you are using the Delete Keyword (Matching) action. A Delete Keyword (Matching) action will only delete Keyword Values that match the value in the index file.

A Delete Keyword (All) action will delete all Keyword Value instances of a Keyword Type across one document type or across the entire database, depending on what type of Keyword Update process you are running.

The following error message is displayed when running a process:

One or more files were not able to backup successfully. All files have been left in their current directory and no processing was performed.

This error occurs when the Backup Path option is enabled and the processing workstation is unable to access the configured Backup Path. This can happen if the processing workstation is unable to access the configured file path, or if the Backup Path field was left blank during configuration. Ensure that a Backup Path has been configured within OnBase Configuration, and make sure that the processing workstation is able to access the configured path.