Configuring Report Services for AD FS - Legacy Authentication Methods - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Legacy Authentication Methods

Legacy Authentication Methods
Foundation 22.1

If Legacy Authentication Methods uses AD FS authentication, the application configuration file of the Legacy Authentication Methods client (ReportServices.exe.config) must be updated to enable AD FS.


If this is a ClickOnce deployment, any changes to the files in the deployment folder or the contents of the deployment folder, such as custom changes to the ReportServices.exe.config file, must be made before clicking Next at the Deployment Signing dialog box.

To enable AD FS authentication for the Legacy Authentication Methods client:

  1. Locate the ReportServices.exe.config configuration file. This file is located in the Destination or Deployment Folder you set during installation.
  2. Open the configuration file for editing in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad. Do not edit this file in a binary editor, such as Microsoft Word. Binary editors can introduce invalid characters to the configuration file.
  3. Locate the configSections node and uncomment the section node for Hyland.ADFS.
  4. Locate the ServiceLocations node under the Hyland.Services.Client node and ensure that the following options are set for the add node of your service location:
    • UseNTAuthentication="false"

    • UseADFS="true"


      If the add node of your service location is commented out you must uncomment it to enable it.

  5. Locate and uncomment the system.web and Hyland.ADFS nodes.
  6. Locate the wsTrust node under the Hyland.ADFS node.
  7. Update the adfsEndpointAddress node to reflect the URL of your AD FS server endpoint.
  8. Update the appliesTo node to reflect the URL of your OnBase Application Server.
  9. Save and close the configuration file.
  10. If this is a ClickOnce installation, ensure that all other changes to the deployment files have been made then sign the deployment at the Deployment Signing dialog box.