Configuring the Line-of-Business Application - Legacy Authentication Methods - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Legacy Authentication Methods

Legacy Authentication Methods
Foundation 22.1

To configure your line-of-business application for use with OnBase Entrust:

  1. Launch the OnBaseEntrust Configuration.exe. This utility should be located in the same folder as your LOB application. The OnBase Entrust Configuration dialog is displayed.
  2. Select Open from the File menu. The Open dialog is displayed.
  3. Navigate to and select the *.config file of the LOB application. This file is usually named web.config, but can also be named after the application (e.g., LOBapp.config).
  4. Click Open. The configuration information for the following elements is displayed in the OnBase Entrust Configuration dialog:
    • ApplicationServerURL

    • DataSource

    • PublicKeyHash

    If these elements contain values, the values of the elements are displayed. Otherwise, the values of the elements are empty. The values of ApplicationServerURL and DataSource are contained in the *.config file, but the value of the PublicKeyHash is based on the OnBase Entrust key stored in the system registry, if a key exists.

  5. Select the value to edit or add and enter the following information:
    • DataSource: The name of the data source used by the application server.

  6. Select Generate Key from the Tools menu to populate the value of the PublicKeyHash. The Generate OnBase Entrust Key dialog is displayed.
  7. Enter the Windows user name or domain identity of the user who will be running the LOB application (e.g, johnsmith or domain\johnsmith). This information is used to protect the registry key that stores the OnBase Entrust key. Only system administrators and this user will have access to the OnBase Entrust registry key.

    If the OnBase web server is configured to accept only integrated logins, with no anonymous access, this user must have access to the web server in order to generate OnBase Entrust tokens. If the user running the OnBase web server is not a domain user or otherwise cannot authenticate to the OnBase application server, then anonymous access must enabled on the application server.

  8. Click OK. The user name input is validated.
  9. Click OK at the New OnBase Entrust key was generated and stored prompt. The PublicKeyHash value in the OnBase Entrust Configuration dialog is now populated.
  10. Select Save from the File menu to save the configuration.
  11. Double click the value of the PublicKeyHash to select the entire value.
  12. Right click the value and select Copy, or press Ctrl-C on your keyboard. This places the value in the Windows clipboard.
  13. Close the OnBase Entrust Configuration dialog.

    Immediately continue with configuring the OnBase web server, as the value you just copied must be pasted in to the configuration of the web server. If you overwrite the PublicKeyHash value in your clipboard, simply launch the OnBase Entrust Configuration utility and open the LOB *.config file again, then recopy the PublicKeyHash value.