Switches - Mailbox Importer - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Premier - Standard

Mailbox Importer

Mailbox Importer
Foundation 23.1

When I launch the OnBase Client, I receive the following message:

Subscription Server has been redesigned and is no longer part of the Client executable. This message is a reminder to update the mailbox setup in the configuration executable to continue processing the mailbox handled by this workstation. For more information, see the Mailbox Importer module reference guide or contact your support representative. After updating the configuration you can prevent this message from appearing on startup by removing the -SUBSRVR and -SSAUTOLOAD command line switches.

Versions of Mailbox Importer prior to OnBase 14 required the -SUBSRVR and the -SSAUTOLOAD switches to perform certain tasks. This is no longer the case. Mailbox Importer no longer relies on the OnBase Client to operate. If you have successfully upgraded to and configured Mailbox Importer for OnBase 14.0.0 or beyond, you may remove these switches from the OnBase Client executable.