Installing the Message Engine NT Service - Message Engine - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Hyland Message Engine

Message Engine
Foundation 22.1

After configuring the Message Engine settings.json file as described in Configuration, the Message Engine is ready to be installed as an NT Service. An instance of the Message Engine NT service must be installed on both the client side and server side in order to facilitate communication between the two sides.


For security purposes, ensure that on both the client side and server side firewall rules are configured to prevent repeated connection attempts from untrusted IP addresses.

To install the Message Engine NT service, open the Command Prompt as an Administrator and run the following command:

sc create [Service Name] binPath= "\"[Path]\MessageEngine.NTService.exe\"" start= auto

Where [Service Name] is the name to give the new service and [Path] is the path to the Message Engine source installation files.


If the binPath value contains spaces, ensure it is enclosed in quotes as shown above.

When installation is complete, the Message Engine NT service is automatically started. You can confirm that the service was successfully installed by checking the Local Services utility (Services.msc) in Windows.