Minutes Installer - Minutes - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 23.1

The Minutes installer (Hyland OnBase Minutes.msi) is located in the install\ Minutes folder of your OnBase Core Services build.

  1. Double-click Hyland OnBase Minutes.msi.

    If the Visual C++ 2012 (x64 or x86) or Visual C++ 2019 (x64 or x86) Redistributable packages are not installed on your machine, a dialog box is displayed allowing you to install the necessary components.

    Click Install to install the components.

  2. Click Next on the Welcome dialog. The Destination Folder dialog box is displayed.
  3. At the Destination Folder dialog box, select the local folder to install the components to. By default, components are installed to C:\Program Files\Hyland\ OnBase Minutes(32-bit operating systems) or C:\Program Files(x86)\Hyland\ OnBase Minutes(64-bit operating systems). Click Change to select a different folder for the installation.
  4. Click Next. The Service Location screen is displayed.
  5. Specify the following:

    Setting Name


    Service Path

    Type the display name of the service location. For example, https://servername/appserver/service.asmx.

    Data Source

    Type the data source name (configured at the Application Server) that Minutes will connect to. For example, OnBase.

  6. Click Next. The Host Server URL dialog box is displayed.
  7. If you have a license for the Voting module, and you need to connect to the Voting server, select the Use Host Server URL check box. The Host Server URL field is activated.
  8. In the Host Server URL field, type the name of the server being used for Voting. This path typically includes the server name and port number. The format is the following: http://<servername>:<port number>.
  9. Click Next. The Ready to install Hyland OnBase Minutes dialog box is displayed.
  10. If a Minutes desktop shortcut should not be created, de-select the Create Desktop shortcut(s) when applicable option.

    The Create Desktop shortcut(s) when applicable option is selected by default.

  11. Click Install.
  12. When installation is complete, click Finish.