The Minutes installer (Hyland OnBase Minutes.msi) is located in the install\ Minutes folder of your OnBase Core Services build.
Double-click Hyland
If the Visual C++ 2012 (x64 or x86) or Visual C++ 2019 (x64 or x86) Redistributable packages are not installed on your machine, a dialog box is displayed allowing you to install the necessary components.
Click Install to install the components.
Click Next on the Welcome dialog. The Destination Folder dialog box is displayed.
- At the Destination Folder dialog box, select the local folder to install the components to. By default, components are installed to C:\Program Files\Hyland\ OnBase Minutes(32-bit operating systems) or C:\Program Files(x86)\Hyland\ OnBase Minutes(64-bit operating systems). Click Change to select a different folder for the installation.
Click Next. The Service Location screen is displayed.
Specify the following:
Setting Name
Service Path
Type the display name of the service location. For example, https://servername/appserver/service.asmx.
Data Source
Type the data source name (configured at the Application Server) that Minutes will connect to. For example, OnBase.
Click Next. The Host Server URL dialog box is displayed.
- If you have a license for the Voting module, and you need to connect to the Voting server, select the Use Host Server URL check box. The Host Server URL field is activated.
- In the Host Server URL field, type the name of the server being used for Voting. This path typically includes the server name and port number. The format is the following: http://<servername>:<port number>.
Click Next. The Ready to install Hyland
Minutes dialog box is displayed.
If a Minutes desktop shortcut should not be created, de-select the Create Desktop shortcut(s) when applicable option.
The Create Desktop shortcut(s) when applicable option is selected by default.
- Click Install.
- When installation is complete, click Finish.