Minutes can be used during all phases of a meeting.
Before a meeting, you can:
Select and open meetings
Pre-annotate meetings in pre-meeting mode
Start and Stop encoders
During a meeting you can:
Start the meeting and activate items
Take roll call
Record a motion
Add/Edit motions
Record votes
Record minutes, notes and actions
Add public speakers
Add items and sections
Copy motions to other items
Vote on individual or multiple items simultaneously
Record audio, video and audio/video
Publish audio only and audio/video files to OnBase Agenda Online
Stream live meetings on Agenda Online through Hyland Cloud Media Services or YouTube.
Present motions and votes to members who have Voting installed
Present meeting progression and motion results to an overhead display
After a meeting you can:
Edit the meeting
Upload the media or audio/video for publishing using Agenda Online
Update event points in the media recording