During a meeting, you can record video and audio. Video and audio recordings are stored in media files that can be uploaded to the server, or published to Agenda Online either live or on demand. Meetings can also be streamed to YouTube where they can be viewed either live or on demand. They can also be configured to be viewed and recorded with closed captioning enabled.
Before you can record meetings, you must have a media publisher in place, and an encoder set up and configured. See the Agenda Media module reference guide for more information on setting up the media publisher.
In order to run a meeting with Media, you must have Media Streaming privileges assigned to your user group. See Media Streaming for more information.
Encoders can be managed in Minutes, but the encoder setup is described in the Agenda Media module reference guide. To setup meetings to stream to YouTube, you must set up Google and YouTube accounts. See Streaming Meeting Contents to YouTube for more information.
If Media Publishers are not configured for your instance of Minutes, you will not see any of the media options or be able to record audio and video.